imasdemase · @imasdemase
13 followers · 70 posts · Server

La semana pasada conseguí por fin hacer que la placa 4C+ que compré para intentar sustituir las (que están a precio de angula y con plazos de entrega de meses) arrancaran con .

Podéis ver cómo lo hice (espero no haberme olvidado nada) aquí

Me faltan un par de detallicos por pulir (redimensionar el tamaño de la imagen) pero en líneas generales creo que reproducible es.

He aprendido un montón de cosas por el camino (qué es , y otro buen puñado de cosas), pero me queda muuuuu mal cuerpo al darme cuenta de que lo he hecho prácticamente por fuerza bruta, ensayo y error hasta que ha funcionado... ¡Qué pena no saber bien lo que uno está haciendo!

On di oder jan, la verdad es que la mejora de la Rockpi frente a la Raspberry es espectacular (Bueno, al menos de la 4C+ frente a la 3), puedes usar un navegador normal entre otras cosas... y de precio ya ni hablamos.

Así es que ahora toca adquirir las otras 6 Rockpi y ver si las puedo meter en una buena carcasa IP67 ¡y a muestrear!

#rockpi #raspberrypi #ltsp #uboot #pxe_boot

Last updated 1 year ago

imasdemase · @imasdemase
13 followers · 70 posts · Server

La semana pasada conseguí por fin hacer que la placa 4C+ que compré para intentar sustituir las (que están a precio de angula y con plazos de entrega de meses) arrancaran con .

He aprendido un montón de cosas por el camino (qué es , y otro buen puñado de cosas), pero me queda muuuuu mal cuerpo al darme cuenta de que lo he hecho prácticamente por fuerza bruta, ensayo y error hasta que ha funcionado... ¡Qué pena no saber bien lo que uno está haciendo!

On di oder jan, la verdad es que la mejora de la Rockpi frente a la Raspberry es espectacular (Bueno, al menos de la 4C+ frente a la 3), puedes usar un navegador normal entre otras cosas... y de precio ya ni hablamos.

Así es que ahora toca adquirir las otras 6 Rockpi y ver si las puedo meter en una buena carcasa IP67 ¡y a muestrear!

#raspberrypi #ltsp #uboot #pxe_boot #rockpi

Last updated 1 year ago

phranck :next: · @phranck
955 followers · 2278 posts · Server

If someone has a Rock Pi X (x86) left over, I am interested! The device is currently unavailable for purchase.

Please feel free to share. Thank you. 🙏🏼

#sbc #rockpi #x86

Last updated 2 years ago

phranck :next: · @phranck
955 followers · 2277 posts · Server

Falls hier jemand einen Rock Pi X (x86) uebrig hat, ich habe Interesse! Das Teil gibt es aktuell leider nirgends zu kaufen.

Bitte gerne teilen. Danke. 🙏🏼

#sbc #rockpi #x86

Last updated 2 years ago

meteyou · @meteyou
12 followers · 61 posts · Server

The delivery arrived during the week, and I was able to do some tests. But until now, I like this SBC almost the best as a raspberry pi alternative. The features and performance are perfect!


#radxa #rockpi #armbian

Last updated 2 years ago

22.11 has been released.

What’s New?
- added Bananapi M5, Odroid M1 and Rockpi 4C plus
- enabled community images with weekly release cycle
- added ultra minimal images optimized for software deployment
- added RiscV64 UEFI build support
- improved support for Rockpi S
- kernel upgrade is frozen by default to improve stability

Regular downloads:
Community downloads:

#armbian #sbc #bananapi #rockpi #odroid #raspberrypi #nanopi #orangepi #khadas #radxa #tinkerboard #zeropi #raspbian #debian

Last updated 2 years ago

Jake von Slatt · @vonslatt
163 followers · 297 posts · Server

I’ve given up on finding a Raspberry Pi in stock, gonna try to implement OpenPlotter on a Rock Pi 5B.

#rockpi #openplotter

Last updated 2 years ago

Ryan Walmsley · @Ryanteck
296 followers · 495 posts · Server

Ahh that's crap, the SD card snapped in my

I'm unfortunately not surprised, but it shows one of the things you sacrifice with an edge mounted SD card reader like this.

#radxa #rockpi

Last updated 2 years ago

Suquamish · @suquamish
1 followers · 12 posts · Server

I have two different Arm SBCs, both running , both using the same model USB-to-SATA adapter to the same model of spinny disc, both using the uas driver.

The 3a constantly was resetting the USB bus (and causing havoc), the Orange Pi 4 hums along nary a problem.

Turns out it was the uas driver, and I had put a quirk in the armbianEnv.txt file to get the Rock Pi 3a stable:


#rockpi #armbian

Last updated 2 years ago

based 22.11 Released With 64-bit UEFI Support, New Arm Boards: including M5, M1, and 4C Plus Arm boards -- on top of the dozens of Arm single board computers already supported by this distribution.

#debian #armbian #riscv #bananapi #odroid #rockpi #linux

Last updated 2 years ago

Jamie Starke · @jamiestarke
4 followers · 2 posts · Server

By day I work as a cloud engineer working heavily with both and technologies.

By night, I like to mess around with my kubernetes cluster of and single board computers or experiment with VMs and GPUs. Like streaming multiple games on VMs on the same computer.

Sometime I play a game or two on a steam deck.

#introduction #aws #gcp #raspberrypi #rockpi #sbc #vm #gpu #SteamDeck #steam

Last updated 2 years ago

Jamie Starke · @jamiestarke
16 followers · 18 posts · Server

By day I work as a cloud engineer working heavily with both and technologies.

By night, I like to mess around with my kubernetes cluster of and single board computers or experiment with VMs and GPUs. Like streaming multiple games on VMs on the same computer.

Sometime I play a game or two on a steam deck.

#introduction #aws #gcp #raspberrypi #rockpi #sbc #vm #gpu #SteamDeck #steam

Last updated 2 years ago

makerbymistake · @makerbymistake
103 followers · 26 posts · Server

Got the Raspberry Pi Camera V2 to work with the Rock 4 SE. Gstreamer bindings for now. We'll see if I can get it in a Python script.

Next, audio input processing since the Rock 4 SE has mic in

#rockpi #maker #rock4

Last updated 2 years ago

I was able to create a install for my using the and root It worked but was not ideal
This time I'm going to follow this and see what I get

#frankenstein #rockpi #4cplus #ubuntu #bootloader #slackware #filesystem #guide

Last updated 2 years ago

screwing around with my again ..
Getting boot going is a bit tricky

#rockpi4cplus #pi #rockpi #nvme

Last updated 2 years ago

TalkTech ✅✔️™️ · @talktech
40 followers · 222 posts · Server

Talking about Single Board Computers
Due to the current shortage of Raspberry Pi's around the globe, OKdo ( has started to invest in another Single Board Computer (SBC) called the Rock Pi.

This SBC contains a very similar layout to the Raspberry Pi 3 but has the speed and power of the Pi 4 with extra abilities (see the table further below for more details).

I am being offered

#rockpi #sbc

Last updated 2 years ago