Ministry of Floof Singapore · @mof_sg
73 followers · 113 posts · Server
B · @pelican
64 followers · 342 posts · Server
Swede’s Photographs · @Swede1952
3403 followers · 3282 posts · Server

Good morning. 🕊🕊🕊

It stormed last night. At about one in the morning, I heard Ben bark, so I got up and opened the bedroom door. Of course, Ben and Charlie were both there, they get scared when it thunders. I laid back down. Ben crawled under the bed, and Charlie flopped down wherever, and we all went back to sleep. Until about 06:30 when Charlie decided it was time to get up.

I can't exactly emphasize with Ben and Charlie, but it seems like I can come close. Or perhaps it's just compassion. Either way, they are both good decent states of mind, worthy of practicing in public.

Oh, f you don't already know, Ben and Charlie are dogs.

"You cannot share your life with a dog, as I had done in Bournemouth, or a cat, and not know perfectly well that animals have personalities and minds and feelings." - Jane Goodall

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #birds #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #monring #pigeons #doves #rockpigeon #rockdove #Dogs

Last updated 2 years ago

Swede’s Photographs · @Swede1952
3374 followers · 3203 posts · Server


I wanted to get a look at the feathers on the brown pigeon that's been coming around. So I sat outside and waited for the pigeons to fly to the bird feeders and finally got a couple pictures. I chose this one because at least you cans see its head.

The thing that I notice, right of the bat, is the tail feathers. When the feathers are fanned out, there is a gap with one feather in the middle. I haven't noticed this with other pigeons. Usually, when the tail is fanned out there is an arc of feathers. So ... it makes me wonder why. Did the pigeon lose those feathers or is it just the way they are?

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #birds #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #pigeon #rockpigeon #rockdove #dove

Last updated 2 years ago

Swede’s Photographs · @Swede1952
3372 followers · 3196 posts · Server

Good morning. 🕊🕊🕊

My computer case has a nifty little slot right on top where I can plug in a Sata drive. A couple months ago, I purchased a 2TB SSD drive for my photos and that is where it's plugged in right now. I ordered a mounting bracket so that I can mount the 2.5" (6.35 cm) drive into a 3.5" (8.89 cm) bay. I'm panning to install it today. The thing is, I planned to install it yesterday and the day before that as well.

Do you think procrastination is why the United States hasn't fully adopted the metric system? We use it you know, for science(y) stuff. Except when measuring comets and asteroids in which the weight of baby elephants seems to be the standard.

“A day can really slip by when you're deliberately avoiding what you're supposed to do.” - Bill Watterson, There's Treasure Everywhere

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #birds #birdwatching #morning #procrastination #pigeon #rockpigeon #rockdove #dove #computers

Last updated 2 years ago

Swede’s Photographs · @Swede1952
3358 followers · 3174 posts · Server
Grant Canterbury · @dendroica
137 followers · 321 posts · Server

First of the year today, a singleton flying overhead. I often see these moving about in April and May, so right on schedule. Similar in size and shape to but there is something about a Bandtail that immediately stands out, even distant in silhouette, and I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Also around here are and . I should try to consciously unpack the tacit ID cues that I use to tell these four apart in flight.

#bandtailedpigeon #rockpigeon #eurasiancollareddove #mourningdove #birding

Last updated 2 years ago

Swede’s Photographs · @Swede1952
3298 followers · 3102 posts · Server

When you stand out in a crowd.

I can't recognize all of the pigeons that visit the feeder in the backyard. But I can say with confidence that this morning is the first time this pigeon has visited. Most of the pigeons are blue gray. A few have some white markings that help me recognize them. But this is the only brown pigeon I've seen around here ... so far. Interesting.

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #birds #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #pigeon #rockpigeon #dove #rockdove

Last updated 2 years ago

Swede’s Photographs · @Swede1952
3259 followers · 3055 posts · Server
Swede’s Photographs · @Swede1952
3083 followers · 2761 posts · Server

The fight is on.

I was sitting outside drinking my coffee and enduring the constant nudging of Charlie and the irritating bark of Ben - they wanted to go for their walk, I took what should have been a bunch of good photographs of birds moving around the feeders. But as usual in the morning I forgot to check my camera settings which were set for shooting the moon last night.

On of the scenes I witnessed was these two pigeons fighting. They were pecking at each other very forcefully. Most of the photos had blurred movements but this one somehow came out okay. I'm pretty sure they're both male pigeons.

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #birds #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #pigeon #rockpigeon #rockdove #dove

Last updated 2 years ago

Swede’s Photographs · @Swede1952
3059 followers · 2700 posts · Server

You can't get rid of us.

This is a couple of pigeons that were in my back yard a few days ago. Well … they show up just about every day. I love watching them fly around the area. But at the same time, I hope that they'll discover better feeding grounds than my bird feeders.

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #birds #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #rockpigeon

Last updated 2 years ago

Swede’s Photographs · @Swede1952
2895 followers · 2495 posts · Server

Stillness ...

I'm not sure why I find this photo of two pigeons appealing. It's not just that pigeons are so pretty, there is another quality about the photo that I cannot quite put my finger on. I can imagine a comforting cooing sound.

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #birds #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #rockpigeon #dove

Last updated 2 years ago

Justfolk · @Justfolk
54 followers · 105 posts · Server

We try to discourage the pigeons. They shake the feeders and, somewhat like Onan, they spill the seed upon the ground.

But they appear so angelic.



#rockdove #rockpigeon #wingsoutstretched

Last updated 2 years ago

Swede’s Photographs · @Swede1952
1282 followers · 855 posts · Server

Rock Pigeon

I love to see birds with their wings spread. Pigeons have beautiful wings. In this photo, the wings seem almost translucent.

“No matter what you do if it isn't genuine, it's not worth doing, if it isn't meant with good heart, it's not worth saying, and if it's a darkness around you perhaps it's not worth remembering.” - Conversations With a Pigeon

#photo #photography #photographer #birds #pigeon #rockpigeon #dove

Last updated 2 years ago

Bobert McBob · @BobertMcBob
5 followers · 5 posts · Server

Some picture spam. Went out again today with my new camera, and got some pictures I really like. A pair of in front of the moon, a with splashes of water from bird seed, a menacing and a looking for food.

#birding #americancrow #northernpintail #rockpigeon #foxsparrow

Last updated 2 years ago