Global News BC: Highway 97 near Summerland to partially reopen Monday evening #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #highwayreopening #highwayclosure #southokanagan #summerland #Highway97 #landslide #Rockslide #Traffic #MOTI
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #highwayreopening #highwayclosure #southokanagan #summerland #Highway97 #landslide #rockslide #traffic #moti
Global News BC: Okanagan locals find creative ways around Highway 97 rockslide #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ThompsonOkanaganTourismAssociation #OkanaganCrushPadWinery #LuxuryLakeTours #highwayclosure #HaywireWinery #southokanagan #summerland #Highway97 #Rockslide #Traffic #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #thompsonokanagantourismassociation #okanagancrushpadwinery #luxurylaketours #highwayclosure #haywirewinery #southokanagan #summerland #Highway97 #rockslide #traffic #Canada
Global News BC: Highway 97 rockslide: Still no timeline for reopening #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PentictonLakesideResort #highwayclosure #detourroute #summerland #Highway97 #penticton #Rockslide #Traffic #Kelowna #Detour
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #PentictonLakesideResort #highwayclosure #detourroute #summerland #Highway97 #penticton #rockslide #traffic #kelowna #detour
Global News BC: ‘A last resort’: Man walks Kelowna to Penticton following Highway 97 closure #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PentictonLakesideResort #highwayclosure #detourroute #summerland #Highway97 #penticton #Rockslide #Kelowna #Canada #Detour
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #PentictonLakesideResort #highwayclosure #detourroute #summerland #Highway97 #penticton #rockslide #kelowna #Canada #detour
Directly opposite of Bäregg is a wall where in 2021 a big rock slide took place. Bäregg (and the trail to Bäregg) were perfect spots to wait for the rocks to fall.
The below video shows the enormous powers in play.
If you watch the earlier part of the video, you see what a spectacle it has been. A real attraction.
#Hiking #WeeklyHikingPicture #Eiger #RockSlide #Schlossplatte
#hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #eiger #rockslide #schlossplatte
Global News BC: ‘Very difficult’: Local reaction to ongoing Highway 97 closure #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #highwayclosure #southokanagan #roadclosures #summerland #Highway97 #penticton #Rockslide #Economy #Traffic #MOTI
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #highwayclosure #southokanagan #roadclosures #summerland #Highway97 #penticton #rockslide #economy #traffic #moti
おおっと、 ものすごい岩盤崩落。仏伊国境 ケガ人なしが奇跡だわ #rockslide
Video of rockslides of 1 million tons (not sure about how many penguins this represents) or 450'000 cubic meters (again, not sure how to explain to our American friends).
When Monday is barreling out of control toward you but misses somehow, and you live to fight another day. On to Tuesday!
#mountain #mountains #mountainclimbing #rock #rockslide #boulder #avalanche #ice #snow #soundon #soundup #Monday #motivation #MondayMotivation #Tuesday
#mountain #mountains #mountainclimbing #rock #rockslide #boulder #avalanche #ice #snow #SOUNDON #soundup #monday #motivation #mondaymotivation #tuesday
Massive peak collapses may reshape Himalayas - Enlarge / Annapurna IV, at left here, might have once been half a kilom... - #earthscience #himalayas #rockslide #science #geology
#geology #science #rockslide #himalayas #earthscience
Ars Technica: Massive peak collapses may reshape Himalayas #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Earthscience #himalayas #rockslide #Science #geology
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #earthscience #himalayas #rockslide #science #geology
After the rockslide from two weeks ago, the people of Brienz AG are allowed back to their houses, lifting the evacation order.
Geologist have been monitoring the rock face after the slide (especially if rainfall would make the rock face less stable again), but they are of the opinion it is safe to return. Only the immediate area of the end of the rock slide remains off limits.
Photo credits: Michael Buholzer / Keystone / Picture Alliance
Global News BC: Highway 97 near Summerland, B.C. temporarily closes again #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryofTransportationandInfrastructure #Summerlandbluffs #highwayclosure #southokanagan #blastingwork #summerland #Highway97 #Rockslide #Traffic #slide #MOTI
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ministryoftransportationandinfrastructure #summerlandbluffs #highwayclosure #southokanagan #blastingwork #summerland #Highway97 #rockslide #traffic #slide #moti
Cute! It's small rock migration season in Utah! Watch out for those cute little fellas crossing the road. (ps. SR14, Cedar City... #rockslide) #UT #traffic
Three views of a meta-sandstone outcrop perfectly cut to lead to dip-slope, planar failure into the roadway. This is on SR115, or US129, in Blount County, Tennessee, infamously known as the Tail of the Dragon
#geology #FieldGeology #rockslide #GetOutside
#geology #fieldgeology #rockslide #getoutside
Global News BC: Residents return home after Keremeos, B.C. rockslide #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #RegionalDistrictOfOkanagan-Simlikameen #EagleRVParkAndCampground #keremeosevacuationorder #KeremeosRockslide #KeremeosRockFall #southokanagan #EagleRVpark #Rockslide #Highway3 #Keremeos #Canada #rdos
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #regionaldistrictofokanagan #eaglervparkandcampground #keremeosevacuationorder #keremeosrockslide #keremeosrockfall #southokanagan #eaglervpark #rockslide #Highway3 #keremeos #Canada #rdos
Global News BC: Evacuation order lingers for Keremeos residents displaced by slide #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #regionaldistrictofokanagansimilkameen #EvacuationOrder #southokanagan #Rockslide #Highway2 #Keremeos #highwa3 #Canada #rdos
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #regionaldistrictofokanagansimilkameen #evacuationorder #southokanagan #rockslide #Highway2 #keremeos #highwa3 #Canada #rdos
Global News BC: ‘Everybody’s unit here was shaking’: Keremeos, B.C. RV park sustains damage from rockslide #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #regionaldistrictofokanagansimilkameen #KeremeosRockslide #EagleRVpark #landslide #Rockslide #Highway3 #Keremeos #Canada #rdos
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #regionaldistrictofokanagansimilkameen #keremeosrockslide #eaglervpark #landslide #rockslide #Highway3 #keremeos #Canada #rdos
Global News BC: Rockslide west of Keremeos, B.C. closes Highway 3 in both directions to ‘heavy traffic’ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Dangerousroadconditions #keremeosrockslide #Heavytraffic #rockslide #Rockslide #Highway3 #DriveBC #Canada #rvpark
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #dangerousroadconditions #keremeosrockslide #heavytraffic #rockslide #Highway3 #drivebc #Canada #rvpark