Word count for the writers' retreat, which ends in the morning. The top number is the total, since I didn't do any writing Feb 1-5, and Feb 6 I was only here in the evening. I'm going to try to do a bit more tonight, but it'll probably only be a few hundred words if that. Pretty chuffed. This brings the novel to just over 50k words.
#rockvalewriterscolony #rockvale #amwriting
I wrote a thing about my experience at Rockvale Writers' Colony so far: https://joannemerriam.com/2023/02/09/rockvale-writers-colony/
#RockvaleWritersColony #writing #AmWriting #WritersRetreat #Rockvale #YesIveHadDontGoBackToRockvilleInMyHeadAllWeek
#rockvalewriterscolony #writing #amwriting #writersretreat #rockvale #yesivehaddontgobacktorockvilleinmyheadallweek