Rockvilla House at the Applecross Canal Basin in the north of Glasgow. Originally, this was the end of the Forth and Clyde canal and the building served as a base for a coach service into Glasgow. From 1790 onwards it served as a house for the lock keeper/canal manager.
#glasgow #glasgowbuildings #glasgowhistory #architecture #forthandclydecanal #rockvilla
#rockvilla #ForthAndClydeCanal #architecture #glasgowhistory #glasgowbuildings #glasgow
The former North Fire Station on Saint George's Road in Glasgow.
Built in 1889, this fire station had space on the ground floor for a steam-powered fire engine and a manual fire engine. Unusually for the time, it doesn't seem to have had space for horse-drawn fire engines (or stabling for horses themselves).
It finally closed in 1984.
#glasgow #rockvilla #woodside #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #oldfirestation #firestation
#firestation #oldfirestation #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #woodside #rockvilla #glasgow
Hidden amongst the foliage growing out of the still-standing (and B-Listed) entrance to the former Rockvilla Public School on Possil Road in Glasgow is this beautiful little animal sculpture. It's one of a pair surrounding the inscription of the school's name, and I think it's most likely a dragon which has, at some point, lost its wings.
#glasgow #rockvilla #architecture #glasgowbuildings #sculpture #animalsculpture #dragon
#dragon #animalsculpture #sculpture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #rockvilla #glasgow
You can see what the school originally looked like here:
#glasgow #oldschool #rockvilla #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowschools #johnhoneyman #listedbuilding #buildingatrisk
#buildingatrisk #listedbuilding #johnhoneyman #glasgowschools #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #rockvilla #oldschool #glasgow
The tunnel-like boys entrance to the former Rockvilla Public School on Dawson Road in Glasgow.
This school was designed by John Honeyman and was built in the 1870s. An impressive building set high on a hill overlooking the Forth and Clyde Canal, the B Listed building was badly damaged by fire in 1995 and was demolished in 1996.
#glasgow #oldschool #rockvilla #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowschools #johnhoneyman #listedbuilding #buildingatrisk
#buildingatrisk #listedbuilding #johnhoneyman #glasgowschools #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #rockvilla #oldschool #glasgow