Sylvester Stallone revela condição HILÁRIA de Adele para compra de mansão de R$ 270 milhões dele
#SylvesterStallone #RockyBalboa #Mansão #Adele #ViNoInstagram #Ryqueza #Famosos
#sylvesterstallone #rockybalboa #mansao #adele #vinoinstagram #ryqueza #famosos
While making "Rocky IV," Dolph Lundgren says some of the hits he took from Sylvester Stallone were real. Then again, so were some of the hits he dished out, too.
#DolphLundgren #SylvesterStallone #RockyIV #80s #80smovies #1980s #1980smovies #RockyBalboa #Film #news #movies #movienews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#dolphlundgren #sylvesterstallone #rockyiv #80s #80smovies #1980s #1980smovies #rockybalboa #film #News #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
When Carl Weathers auditioned for the Apollo Creed role in "Rocky," he was convinced it had gone horribly, but then he did something surprising to turn things around.
#CarlWeathers #Rocky #RockyBalboa #ApolloCreed #RockyIII #RockyIII #RockyVI #movies #movienews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebritynews
#carlweathers #rocky #rockybalboa #apollocreed #rockyiii #rockyvi #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebritynews
Kotaku: Creed III Director Michael B. Jordan Wanted It To Be Anime AF #gaming #tech #kotaku #alexanderjuliangibbson #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #fictionalcharacters #michaelbjordan #damiananderson #alphonseelric #narutouzumaki #sasukeuchiha #hajimenoippo #rockybalboa #apollocreed #adoniscreed #katsuki #creedii #uzumaki #fiction #vegeta #naruto #creed #rocky #goku #hbo #ed
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #alexanderjuliangibbson #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #fictionalcharacters #MichaelBJordan #damiananderson #alphonseelric #narutouzumaki #sasukeuchiha #hajimenoippo #rockybalboa #apollocreed #adoniscreed #katsuki #creedii #uzumaki #fiction #vegeta #naruto #creed #rocky #goku #hbo #ed
RT @die_linke_th: „Es kommt nicht nur darauf an, dass man kämpft, sondern auch wie man kämpft und Schläge einsteckt…“
#bodoramelow #rocky #thüringen #Aschermittwoch #rockybalboa #boxen
#bodoramelow #rocky #Thüringen #Aschermittwoch #rockybalboa #boxen
„Es kommt nicht nur darauf an, dass man kämpft, sondern auch wie man kämpft und Schläge einsteckt…“
#bodoramelow #rocky #thüringen #Aschermittwoch #rockybalboa #boxen
#bodoramelow #rocky #thuringen #aschermittwoch #rockybalboa #boxen
I see all these cute puppies and must share the one that stole my heart! Daddy will forever love the babies!!! #minidoxie #dachshunddad #spoileddog #foreverinmyheart #dachshund #rockybalboa :ablobcatangel: :ablobcatheartbroken:
#rockybalboa #dachshund #foreverinmyheart #spoileddog #dachshunddad #minidoxie
Carl Weathers had a great feeling about playing Apollo Creed in the original 1976 "Rocky," and it turns out he was right.
#CarlWeathers #Rocky #RockyBalboa #ApolloCreed #movies #70smovies #80smovies #movienews #entertainmentnews #film #celebrityNews
#carlweathers #rocky #rockybalboa #apollocreed #movies #70smovies #80smovies #movienews #entertainmentnews #film #celebritynews
Me crucé con esta maravilla de Biribiri Records
Stallone anunció el inminente estreno de "Rocky botija". Su nuevo entrenador es uruguayo y sus enseñanzas resultan difusas para el boxeador estadounidense de origen estadounidense que fue derrotando a afrodescendientes, latinos y rusos comunistas. ¡Salí de ahí, Maravilla!
#pepemujica #meme #rockybalboa