Time to brush up on my #RockyHorrorPictureShow lyrics, as I'll be introducing a couple people to it this fall and I want to show them a good time. Once again reminded why Sweet Transvestite is my favorite song. Definitely not because the lyrics describe me just as much as they describe my favorite Disney princess, Dr. Frank N. Furter. (To be clear, that last sentence is sarcastic)
@Sitatere Visto, rivisto, stravisto. E ogni tanto lo ascolto sempre ultravolentieri. "It's just a jump to the left" #rockyhorrorpictureshow
A few more lol:
#TheLegendOfKorra #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #TheDragonPrince #BuffyTheVampireSlayer #EarthSea #Discworld #TerryPratchett #MontyPython ( #MontyPythonsFlyingCircus ) #FawltyTowers #RockyHorrorPictureShow #Switch #TableTopGames #Amphibia #SpongeBob ( #SpongeBobSquarePants ) #OpenSource #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #Atypical #Autism #AsWeSeeIt #Farscape #Splatoon #BaldursGate #MissMarple #MurderMystery #OneDayAtATime #GilmoreGirls #JoJosBizzareAdventure #ScoobyDoo #DouglasAdams
#thelegendofkorra #whatwedointheshadows #thedragonprince #buffythevampireslayer #earthsea #discworld #terrypratchett #montypython #montypythonsflyingcircus #fawltytowers #rockyhorrorpictureshow #switch #tabletopgames #amphibia #spongebob #spongebobsquarepants #opensource #floss #freesoftware #atypical #autism #asweseeit #farscape #splatoon #baldursgate #missmarple #murdermystery #onedayatatime #gilmoregirls #jojosbizzareadventure #scoobydoo #douglasadams
Back to a full album, less spam :P
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, at youtube via invidious:
#rockyhorrorpictureshow #musical #music #fullalbum #sariashsmusicbox
#RockyHorrorPictureShow is 50. Just watching it reminiscing, and remembering those we've lost, as well as those we still have.
Oh and obviously singing along (;*
#RockyHorrorPictureShow is 40. Just watching it reminiscing, and remembering those we've lost, as well as those we still have.
Oh and obviously singing along (;*
This particular RHPS crowd was way queer and way lit, with folks in drag posing down the aisles and doing Rockettes kick lines in the balcony. Plus there was the added fun of freaking the mundanes waiting to get into the TGIFriday's next door. And presiding over it all was Tim Curry's masterful smirk as he sashayed into genderfunk history. :heart_transgender:
#RockyHorrorPictureShow #TimCurry #rock #pride #MentalSoundtrack #NowPlaying #QueerElder #genderqueer #queer #trans #nonbinary
#rockyhorrorpictureshow #timcurry #rock #pride #mentalsoundtrack #nowplaying #queerelder #genderqueer #queer #trans #nonbinary
Today's stop on my Pride Month musical memory tour: when I was in college in Boston in the late 1970s, I got indoctrinated into the wonders of the Rocky Horror Picture Show via its long-running Saturday midnight showing - with excellent live Cast - at the then-beloved Exeter Street Theater in the Back Bay. Ahhh, the memories! (1/2)
#RockyHorrorPictureShow #TimCurry #rock #pride #MentalSoundtrack #NowPlaying #QueerElder #genderqueer #queer #trans #nonbinary
#rockyhorrorpictureshow #timcurry #rock #pride #mentalsoundtrack #nowplaying #queerelder #genderqueer #queer #trans #nonbinary
Thank you, Dr. Frank-N-Furter, for all the chills, thrills, and fulfillment.
#ThankAFictionalCharacter #HashtagGames #RockyHorrorPictureShow
#thankafictionalcharacter #hashtaggames #rockyhorrorpictureshow
C'était hier soir avec l'ami @ploum C'était n'importe quoi. 35 ans plus tard, retourner au studio Galande voir le Rocky Horror Picture Show avec la troupe de frapadingues qui envahit la salle deux fois par semaine... Une bouffée d'air frais et de folie bienvenue au milieu d'une grosse fatigue !
In addition to Alien Day, April 26 is World Burlesque Day, celebrating a performing art that has a lot of similarity to traditional commedia dell'arte - which was seen manifested in flamboyant glory during our "Rocky Horror" musical parodies!
#burlesque #CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #RockyHorror #RHPS #RockyHorrorShow #RockyHorrorPictureShow #musical #parody #CWRU
#burlesque #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #rockyhorror #rhps #rockyhorrorshow #rockyhorrorpictureshow #musical #parody #cwru
Today is the 17th birthday of founding The Confused Greenies of Players' Patchwork Theatre Company!
To celebrate we're looking at scene 1.7 of plays throughout the troupe's history, such our first musical commedia dell'arte parody "The Rocky Horror Commedia Show" at Case Western Reserve University in 2009!
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #RockyHorror #RHPS #RockyHorrorShow #RockyHorrorPictureShow #musical #parody #CWRU
#commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #rockyhorror #rhps #rockyhorrorshow #rockyhorrorpictureshow #musical #parody #cwru
Today is the 17th birthday of founding The Confused Greenies of Players' Patchwork Theatre Company!
To celebrate we're looking at scene 1.7 of plays throughout the troupe's history, such our second musical parody "The Clocky Horror Steampunk Show" at Marcon 2011 as our 100th performance ever!
#improv #improvisation #theater #RockyHorror #RHPS #RockyHorrorShow #RockyHorrorPictureShow #musical #steampunk #NeoVictorian #parody #Marcon #MaconOH
#improv #improvisation #theater #rockyhorror #rhps #rockyhorrorshow #rockyhorrorpictureshow #musical #steampunk #neovictorian #parody #marcon #maconoh
Jack Black is a national treasure! You will never be able to talk me out of that opinion, ever!!! I don't know who needs this today, besides myself, but here you gooooo...💖
#jackblack #timewarp #rockyhorrorpictureshow
Still in such a Tim Curry mood. 🥰
#TimCurry #RockyHorrorPictureShow #Clue
#timcurry #rockyhorrorpictureshow #clue
#RockyHorrorPictureShow #Janet #DrScott #Brad #FrankNFurter #Rocky #Iconic
#rockyhorrorpictureshow #janet #drscott #brad #franknfurter #rocky #iconic
Help save my local theater! For the love of film festivals and free summer #movies and midnight #RockyHorrorPictureShow
It's a piece of hometown history! #spokane
#movies #rockyhorrorpictureshow #spokane #crowdfunding #nostalgia #retro
On April First we foolishly advertise plays we will (probably) never stage!
There's a Light Side to the Force, a Dark Side, and a Kink Side? At least in the "Wooky Warsie Parody Show" musical a long time ago in a galaxy that's just a step to the right!
Check back for more fake play posters!
#AprilFools #AprilFoolsDay #AprilFirst #StarWars #RockyHorrorPictureShow #RHPS #RockyHorror #RockyHorrorShow
#aprilfools #aprilfoolsday #aprilfirst #starwars #rockyhorrorpictureshow #rhps #rockyhorror #rockyhorrorshow
...How to do the #TimeWarp.
#70smusictaughtme #timewarp #rockyhorrorpictureshow #timcurry
This week, we’re joined by special guest host Roky Moon for a model who walked down the runway on fire, Chinese designers create a kiss VR device, and the guys get to know…the history of Mike’s favorite health drink. #MadMax #FuryRoad #January6 #rockyhorrorpictureshow #rhps #DavidBowie #RokyMoon #Eminem #ZodiacKiller #fashion #Paris #Parisfashionweek #Kanye #highfashion #art #Wutang #VR #PSVR2 #kiss #kissing #MichaelJordan #health #fortean #Beatles #JDSalinger #yoga #WWII #StarWars #Robzombie
#madmax #furyroad #january6 #rockyhorrorpictureshow #rhps #davidbowie #rokymoon #eminem #zodiackiller #fashion #paris #parisfashionweek #kanye #highfashion #art #wutang #vr #psvr2 #kiss #kissing #michaeljordan #health #fortean #beatles #jdsalinger #yoga #wwii #starwars #robzombie