Good News Fridays: Letting Shelter Dogs Pick Their Christmas Presents
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, positive, and overall somethi
#ChristmasSeasonStuff #GoodNewsStuff #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #LettingShelterDogsPickTheirChristmasPresents #RockyKanaka
#christmasseasonstuff #goodnewsstuff #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #lettingshelterdogspicktheirchristmaspresents #rockykanaka
Geek Alabama Pets: Surprising Homeless Dogs With A Christmas Train To Their New Family!
Welcome to the Geek Alabama Pets segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Geek Alabama Pets will fea
#ChristmasSeasonStuff #GeekAlabamaPetsStuff #animals #cats #Dogs #dogsandcats #GeekAlabamaPets #Pets #petsandanimals #RockyKanaka #SurprisingHomelessDogsWithAChristmasTrain #YouTube
#christmasseasonstuff #geekalabamapetsstuff #animals #Cats #Dogs #dogsandcats #geekalabamapets #pets #petsandanimals #rockykanaka #surprisinghomelessdogswithachristmastrain #youtube