Late season crusing in the Med: Shorts, sunglasses and raincoat!
Moved to Cala Addaya for better northerly shelter. Looks like nearly a week of crap weather coming, including a big thunderstorm tonight. Forecasts are very wobbly again, so we'll see.
Last time we were here in 2018 and dragged anchor in 45 knot gusts. Upon retrieving it (difficult in those conditions), we found it had some trousers impaled on it. Rocna don't hold well in trousers.
#rocna #anchoring #cruisinglife
Mr. Rocna at work in the sands of Isola Rossa.
Not a deep set - we didn't back down hard as only light winds were forecast and a pedalboat was right behind us while setting.
The propeller moves quite a lot of water from behind the boat to the front of the boat when pulling back hard to set the anchor. Always be aware of your surroundings! :blobcatfluffpats:
#cruisinglife #rocna #anchoring
Our anchor, not that you can see any of it. We've got a floating retrieval line tied to it, which also helps telling where it is when it has buried itself deep.
This wasn't from strong wind or setting it very hard, it's just the bottom here is like chocolate mousse! The anchor falls right through the top layers. Luckily in this case it found something beneath to grab onto.
#rocna #underwater #cruisinglife #anchoring