34 years ago:
K-9 (US)
The extravagant cop Michael Dooley needs some help to fight a drug dealer who has tried to kill him. A "friend" gives him a dog named Jerry Lee (Officer Lewis), who has been trained to smell drugs. With his help, Dooley sets out to put his enemy behind the bars, but Jerry Lee has a personality of hi...
#K9 #RodDaniel #JimBelushi #MelHarris #KevinTighe #Universal #Movies
#k9 #roddaniel #jimbelushi #melharris #kevintighe #universal #movies
Intégrale « Home Alone » 4/6
Maman, je suis seul contre tous (2002)
Le film est particulièrement laid et le scénario est quant à lui d’une connerie abyssale.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/maman_je_suis_seul_contre_tous/critique/221008963
#MamanJeSuisSeulContreTous #HomeAlone #RodDaniel #Film #Cinema #MamanJaiRatéLavion!
#mamanjesuisseulcontretous #homealone #roddaniel #film #cinema #mamanjairatelavion