📢 Es ist soweit: Unsere erweiterte Website mit Shop und Blog und allem Drum und Dran ist live!
Das heißt, ihr könnt da ab sofort unsere Spiele kaufen (gedruckt und digital)! Außerdem gibt es Infos, Medienlinks und Actual Plays, kostenlose Downloads und Nachrichten in unserem Blog! 🎉
#pnpde #TTRPG #VivaLaQueerBar #FrlBernburgs #HasiWirHabenEinenDungeonGekauft #MagicalPets #ImproVeto #NagetiereMitGitarren #RodentsWithGuitars
#pnpde #ttrpg #vivalaqueerbar #frlbernburgs #hasiwirhabeneinendungeongekauft #magicalpets #improveto #nagetieremitgitarren #rodentswithguitars
@Bartimaeus Ich hoffe, ich finde dieses Jahr die Zeit, wieder was für den #OnePageRPGJam zu schreiben! Hatte das erste Mal 2021 daran teilgenommen und #NagetiereMitGitarren #RodentsWithGuitars dafür geschrieben.
#onepagerpgjam #nagetieremitgitarren #rodentswithguitars
I just saw that my little TTRPG "Rodents with Guitars" has been mentioned in this Polygon article about the Queer Games Bundle 2023! 🐀🎸💖
#QueerGamesBundle #RodentsWithGuitars #NagetiereMitGitarren #pnpde #TTRPG #IndieGame #HoneyHeist Hack
#QueerGamesBundle #rodentswithguitars #nagetieremitgitarren #pnpde #ttrpg #indiegame #honeyheist
Pssst: Ihr könnt #MagicalPets #RodentsWithGuitars und #ImproVeto außerdem zum Sonderpreis als Add-on im #VivaLaQueerBar Crowdfunding kriegen - aber nur noch 9 Stunden lang! #pnpde #TTRPG #IndieGame #CreatorDay
#magicalpets #rodentswithguitars #improveto #vivalaqueerbar #pnpde #ttrpg #indiegame #creatorday
Pssst: You can also get #MagicalPets #RodentsWithGuitars and #ImproVeto for a special price as an add-on in the #VivaLaQueerBar crowdfunding for another 9 hours! #pnpde #TTRPG #IndieGame #CreatorDay
#MagicalPets #rodentswithguitars #improveto #vivalaqueerbar #pnpde #ttrpg #indiegame #creatorday
Today is #ItchCreatorDay which means Itch doesn't take a cut from sales!
You can get my #MagicalPets (cute pets at a magic school), #RodentsWithGuitars (rodents trying to win a guitar band contest), #ImproVeto (tell fun stories and practice improvisation and the X-Card), and a bunch of #BrindlewoodBay supplements (alternative Crowns of the Queen and my award-winning mystery A Killer After Her Own Heart).
All available here: https://plotbunnygames.itch.io/
#ItchCreatorDay #MagicalPets #rodentswithguitars #improveto #BrindlewoodBay #pnpde #ttrpg #indiegame #creatorday
Less than 24 hours left for you to support #VivaLaQueerBar, the slice-of-life storygame about a queer bar (or queer café) and its team written by @tentacleduck and me!
The game comes as a print zine and a PDF, in English, German, or both.
There are also community copies to donate, and three of my mini games (#MagicalPets #RodentsWIthGuitars #ImproVeto) to be had as an add-on for a special price!
#TTRPG #pnpde #storygame #ZineQuest #ZineMonth #ZiMo #IndieGame #DescendedFromTheQueen
#vivalaqueerbar #MagicalPets #rodentswithguitars #improveto #ttrpg #pnpde #storygame #Zinequest #zinemonth #ZiMo #indiegame #DescendedFromTheQueen
I just remembered that I made RPG Valentines inspired by four of my games last year! Here they are for the first time on Mastodon!
Games: #RodentsWithGuitars (aka #NagetiereMitGitarren) #MissBernburgsFinishingSchoolForYoungLadies (aka #FrlBernburgs Pensionat für junge Damen) #ImproVeto #Magical Pets
All available here: https://plotbunnygames.itch.io/
#rodentswithguitars #nagetieremitgitarren #missbernburgsfinishingschoolforyoungladies #FrlBernburgs #improveto #magical #ttprg #pnpde #valentinesday
You can get all of these games and supplements on Itch at https://plotbunnygames.itch.io/ (scroll down to the collections).
If shopping is not your thing today, 5-star ratings and comments on the game pages are also always very welcome!
#TTRPG #MagicalPets #RodentsWithGuitars #ImproVeto #BrindlewoodBay #MissBernburgsFinishingSchoolForYoungLadies
#ttrpg #MagicalPets #rodentswithguitars #improveto #BrindlewoodBay #missbernburgsfinishingschoolforyoungladies
In #RodentsWithGuitars, you're rodent musicians who want to win a guitar band contest. What could possibly go wrong? Well...
But being the determined critters you are, you'll surely find a way to overcome not just any problems that come your way but also your rival bands who are after the same grand prize.
Shock-full of musical rodent puns, this hack of #HoneyHeist is perfect for oneshots! Bonus: You can fold the print-out into a little rock zine. #TTRPG
#rodentswithguitars #honeyheist #ttrpg
Today is #CreatorDay which means Itch doesn't take a cut from the sales we make. So here's a thread with my games and supplements:
#TTRPG #MagicalPets #RodentsWithGuitars #ImproVeto #BrindlewoodBay #MissBernburgsFinishingSchoolForYoungLadies #Firebrands #PlotbunnyGames
#creatorday #ttrpg #MagicalPets #rodentswithguitars #improveto #BrindlewoodBay #missbernburgsfinishingschoolforyoungladies #firebrands #PlotbunnyGames
Our game of #RodentsWithGuitars went very well today! Mostly thanks to my players who were great and did the heavy lifting of the improvisation.
Fari.app unfortunately didn't work as well as I hoped for. So next time we do a crazy one-shot like this one I will look for a different software.
@OffFleekGeek Going to GM a game of #RodentsWithGuitars for my group in about an hour and 20 minutes.
I am both excited and terrified about it. Excited because it looks like a fun, silly game to spend an afternoon. Terrified because it will be like testing my improvisation skills in Hard Mode. 😆
So, I am preparing for a game of Rodents with Guitars tomorrow and decided to try to make the portrait of a NPC using an AI generator. Here are some of the nightmare fuel I got.
#ttrpg #rodentswithguitars #nightmarefuel #aiart