Fred Hersch and Bill Frisell’s 1998 standards album “Songs We Know”, including “My Little Suede Shoes” and “It Might As Well Be Spring”. #111Words #FredHersch #BillFrisell #SongsWeKnow #CharlieParker #MyLittleSuedeShoes #RodgersAndHammerstein #ItMightAsWellBeSpring
#itmightaswellbespring #rodgersandhammerstein #mylittlesuedeshoes #charlieparker #songsweknow #billfrisell #fredhersch #111words
"My Favorite Things" is a song from the 1959 #RodgersAndHammerstein musical #TheSoundOfMusic. In the original #Broadway production, this song was introduced by #MaryMartin playing #Maria and #PatriciaNeway playing Mother Abbess. #JulieAndrews, who played Maria in the #1965FilmVersion of the musical, had previously sung it on the 1961 Christmas special for #TheGarryMooreShow. In 2004.
#rodgersandhammerstein #thesoundofmusic #broadway #marymartin #maria #patricianeway #julieandrews #1965filmversion #thegarrymooreshow
Rodgers and Hammerstein knew this when they wrote "South Pacific" in 1949. I love this version of "You've Got to be Carefully Taught."
I saw Carousel for the first time last night 🎠 #livetheatre #rodgersandhammerstein It's beautifully sung by the company. #PerformanceNow
#livetheatre #rodgersandhammerstein #performancenow
Train of thought triggered by a boy singing as he got off the bus. #111Words #PublicTransportation #ChimChimCheree #MaryPoppins #JohnColtrane #MyFavoriteThings #TheSoundOfMusic #RodgersAndHammerstein #TheShermanBrothers #ChittyChittyBangBang #IanFleming #TrulyScrumptious #EarWorms
#earworms #trulyscrumptious #ianfleming #chittychittybangbang #theshermanbrothers #rodgersandhammerstein #thesoundofmusic #myfavoritethings #johncoltrane #marypoppins #chimchimcheree #publictransportation #111words
The only problem I have with #TheSoundOfMusic is that an abusive medical practice manager that I worked with about 20 years ago wouldn’t play anything but #RodgersAndHammerstein
#thesoundofmusic #rodgersandhammerstein