Rosenstein stood there with William Barr and lied to America as they released a redacted Mueller Report.
The DOJ is filled with these psychotic anti-Americans now.
Do you still wonder why NO ONE has been indicted except their pawns they led into battle?
"I looked at the 2017-2020 period, a four-year window.
And among the ten firms that gave the most money in raw dollars to Republican outlets"👇🏼
White & Case $966,401
Kirkland $822,685
Proskauer $697,230
Gibson Dunn $468,283
Besides being (ugh) #RodRosenstein 's deputy during Russia investigation #RobertHur works for Gibson Dunn
Do w/ it wht u may...but in light of #2 Kirkland Ellis' s questionable "loaning" of their ppl to protect Trump; it bears a mention