2️⃣ We don’t get to the actual murder here, but we do get plenty of sordid backstory. Both of the men, and their best friends (#RogerDavis & #BoHopkins), are in love with various women (including #DebiRichter & #JessicaHarper) who string them along and ultimately don’t seem to care for them. At all.
3️⃣ Cast is jam-packed with big names, and most get their moment in the spotlight. #GeneBarry is a bullying millionaire developer, #TonyFranciosa is a drug kingpin. #JohnHouseman is... John Houseman.
#rogerdavis #bohopkins #debirichter #jessicaharper #genebarry #tonyfranciosa #johnhouseman
Interview with Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal when they was playing Mark Cohen and Roger Davis on Rent tour in 2009
Part 2
#anthonyrapp #adampascal
#rentontour #markcohen #rogerdavis
#rentthemusical #jonathanlarson #letusshowsomelove❤️ #followthisaccount
#AnthonyRapp #adampascal #rentontour #markcohen #rogerdavis #rentthemusical #jonathanlarson #letusshowsomelove #followthisaccount
Interview with Anthony Rapp (@albinokid) and Adam Pascal when they was playing Mark Cohen and Roger Davis on Rent tour in 2009
Part 1
#anthonyrapp #adampascal
#rentontour #markcohen #rogerdavis
#rentthemusical #jonathanlarson #letusshowsomelove❤️ #followthisaccount
#AnthonyRapp #adampascal #rentontour #markcohen #rogerdavis #rentthemusical #jonathanlarson #letusshowsomelove #followthisaccount