it’s the story of the mother of the accuser and their pain-filled relationship.
4️⃣ Great guest cast: #RogerEMosley (#MagnumPI) as the cop, #DorisRoberts (#RemingtonSteele) as the mother, #JoyceDeWitt (#ThreesCompany) as one of Baretta’s crew.
📺 Fall 1975: ABC aired #Baretta on Wednesdays in the middle hour of prime time, after #ThatsMyMama and before #StarskyAndHutch. Against it, CBS had #Cannon while NBC aired #DoctorsHospital.
#rogeremosley #magnumpi #dorisroberts #remingtonsteele #joycedewitt #threescompany #baretta #thatsmymama #starskyandhutch #cannon #doctorshospital #70stv #tvdetectives
#MagnumPI s1e11 (1981) - 9/10
Another season one highlight.
1️⃣ #RogerEMosley carries the first quarter of this one. No Thomas Magnum to be seen. Just TC doing something he shouldn’t be. And getting himself in big trouble.
2️⃣ It’s the first episode to use the famous opening theme. And it’s a more epic storyline, too. With other helicopters and a big ship very much in play.
#MagnumPI s1e10 (1981) 8/10
#GretchenCorbett (#TheRockfordFiles) guests.
1️⃣ The confrontation with the killer at the end is a tad too convenient/easy but the journey to that point is very good. It’s an inventive story, with plenty of credible suspects.
2️⃣ #RogerEMosley gets plenty of screentime and is very funny indeed as Magnum’s reluctant partner-in-crime.
#magnumpi #gretchencorbett #therockfordfiles #rogeremosley
On April 7, 1976, Leadbelly premiered at the USA Film Festival. Here’s a sketch of Roger E. Mosley on a Post-It note to mark the occasion!
#Leadbelly #GordonParks #RogerEMosley #HuddieLedbetter #Biopic #BiographicalDrama #FolkMusic #BlaxploitationFilm #CultMovies #SocialRealistFilm #BlackCinema #DramaFilms #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#leadbelly #gordonparks #rogeremosley #huddieledbetter #biopic #biographicaldrama #folkmusic #blaxploitationfilm #cultmovies #socialrealistfilm #blackcinema #dramafilms #art #movieart #moviehistory