Another year, another Old World Army Challenge beaten with its (sicko-face reveal) wrap-up post!
Blog post:
#warhammer30k #warhammer40k #HorusHeresy #RogueTrader #oldhammer40k #OWACVI #OldWorldArmyChallenge #paintingchallenge
#warhammer30k #warhammer40k #horusheresy #rogueTrader #oldhammer40k #owacvi #oldworldarmychallenge #paintingchallenge
Mein Lieblingscharakter wäre wohl meine Arch-Militant Nex aus der #RogueTrader Kampagne.
Ich fand sie so cool, dass ich sie als Aufhänger für mein Citadel of Skulls Gast-Abenteuer nahm: Sie verschwand ohne Erlaubnis und die Suche nach ihr führte die Crew nach Chorda's Folly.
Ironischerweise war sie in ihrem Versuch dem heretischen Plan ihres Captains (auch ich) zu entkommen, ein privates Space Marine Chapter zu gründen, geradewegs den Chaos Reavern in die Arme gelaufen.
#rogueTrader #rpgaday2023 #pnpde
Mein erster GM war mein Bruder, allerdings nur für eine Session. Einige Jahre danach bin ich durch Online #Homestuck RP wieder mit dem Hobby in Berührung gekommen. Das waren eher kurzlebige Spiele und zu großen Teilen GM-los, daher klammere ich sie mal aus.
Der erste GM, mit dem ich länger zu tun hatte, war ein netter Typ, den ich über besagtes Homestuck RP kennengelernt habe. Der hat dann eine textbasierte Runde #WH40K #RogueTrader mit variablem Spielerpool angeboten.
#homestuck #wh40k #rogueTrader #rpgaday2023 #pnpde
Last squads of the VI Old World Army Challenge. The Blood Angels assault the traitor compund thanks to the support of a devastator squad and the Angels Tears veteran assault squad... leaded by The Duke himself.
Blog post:
#warhammer30k #warhammer40k #HorusHeresy #RogueTrader #oldhammer40k #miniatureconversion
#warhammer30k #warhammer40k #horusheresy #rogueTrader #oldhammer40k #MiniatureConversion
Les joueurs de #CRPG est-ce que ça vous est arrivé de rencontrer le même problème que moi : J'adore ces jeux. J'ai #Pathfinder #Kingmaker et #WrathOfTheRighteous et #Solasta (et ses DLC) je les ai commencés, je suis toujours hypé par une nouvelle sortie annoncée (coucou #RogueTrader qui arrive) mais impossible d'avancer... J'ignore pourquoi :blobcry:
#crpg #pathfinder #kingmaker #wrathoftherighteous #Solasta #rogueTrader
Playing with colours (I bought that beige last Friday after I saw it on a E’avy Metal video). Trying to sketch a new palette: No inks, no contrast, just a mix of Squig Orange and Vallejo Beige. #PaintingMiniatures #Squats #40k #oldhammer #RogueTrader #retro
#paintingminiatures #squats #40k #oldhammer #rogueTrader #retro
The attack on Fabius Bile's lab continues only to find the next of his evil creations.
Blog post:
Blood Angels support vehicles in The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, the May's update on my OWAC VI challenge.
#oldhammer40k #oldhammer #RogueTrader #HorusHeresy #CitadelMiniatures #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #warhammer 40k #warhammer30k #Beakies
#oldhammer40k #oldhammer #rogueTrader #horusheresy #CitadelMiniatures #paintingWarhammer #warhammer #warhammer30k #beakies
News about the upcoming turn-based game Warhammer 40K - Rogue Trader
Neuigkeiten zum kommenden rundenbasierten Spiel Warhammer 40K - Rogue Trader
#rogueTrader #warhammer40k #gamenews #turnbased #rpg
Back in our #wh40k #RogueTrader game and my Priest Character is not involved (yet) in this Extra Dimensional Manifestation (demon) fight and the others have, so far, doubled the number of Extra-Dimensional Manifestations...
The Night of the Living Dead. The March's update of my #BloodAngels dual #HorusHeresy and #RogueTrader army for the #OWACVI
I keep trying new perspective tricks in my miniature photography. So much doing the scenes and painting these fellas.
#BloodAngels #horusheresy #rogueTrader #owacvi #oldhammer #oldhammer40k #miniaturepainting #beakies
February's update of my VI Old World Army Challenge army. A #spacemarines beaky assault squad ready for both #RogueTrader and #HorusHeresy
Blog post:
Superfun experience both painting a bright tomato red army and improving my photography scenes.
#spacemarines #rogueTrader #horusheresy #oldhammer #oldhammer40k #miniaturepaintig
My second Glory Hog from Old School Miniatures is done. He's ready to cook! :)
#PAINTSLAM23 #Minipainting #miniatures #oldhammer #roguetrader
#paintslam23 #minipainting #miniatures #Oldhammer #rogueTrader
I forgot to post to my blog the January's entry for the #OWACVI. An #horusheresy #bloodangels tactical squad made of the awesome #roguetrader beakies and a stupid, B-rated movie, plot
Blog post:
#owacvi #horusheresy #BloodAngels #rogueTrader
Citadel Spacefarers S53 Giant Sentinel Robot (80mm tall!)
This completes my collection of this lovely vintage range. You can see them all painted over at my blog
#oldhammer #citadel #xenosrampant #stargrave #rogueTrader
A Mantic Games Forgefather mini and some spare bits become a Chaos Squat for my ongoing #roguetrader campaign.
@Snake_Works If you go back far enough, he didn’t even found the Spacewolves until M32, and was referred to as Lord Lucan. That would have been an interesting mini.
5. TTRPG you've played the most
When I first started playing TTRPGs, both online and in person, I played a LOT, of the Fantasy Flight Warhammer 40K games, which are all same d100 system focused on different aspects of the Imperium. Rogue Reader and Dark Heresy stood out the most.
In Rogue Trader, I accidentally convinced my partner's character character not to throw themselves into a disappearing Eldar temple...
#gtnm #ttrpg #brinawrites #rogueTrader
My Flesh Tearers #SpaceMarine are coming together nicely
#SpaceMarine #Oldhammer #rogueTrader #warhammer40000 #paintingwarhammer
#TTRPG systems I have played/run the most of:
#ttrpg #gurps #dandd #vtm #paranoia #arsmagica #rogueTrader #buffythevampireslayer #cyberpunk2020 #StarWarsAgeOfRebellion