@psb_dc Really interesting article. Adding a few tags so I can subscribe to them and / or find the article later.
#countercloud #autonomousai #neapaw #rogueai
Yeah, let's weaponize #AI: what could possibly go wrong....? 🤦#RogueAI #Asimov #Skynet
AI-Controlled Drone Goes Rogue, 'Kills' Human Operator in USAF Simulated Test https://www.vice.com/en/article/4a33gj/ai-controlled-drone-goes-rogue-kills-human-operator-in-usaf-simulated-test
possiamo solo vivere potenzialmente disconnessi per salvarci oppure siamo spacciati? #rogueAI
The first #rogueAI will be created accidentally, by an engineering intern really keen on doing as little work as possible, as is the way.
Stranded - AI Generated Creepypasta
#Aigenerated #CreepyPasta #HorrorStories #rogueai
#scary #creepy #scifi #aiart
#aiart #scifi #creepy #scary #rogueai #horrorstories #creepypasta #AIGenerated
@patrickokeefe This has been the #endgame all along. A #chatbot that beams nonstop chatter directly into your brain with #surgically implanted electrodes.
Supposedly this allows us to partner with a superior #AGI and prevents a #rogueAI from terraforming the Earth and putting us in cages at the zoo.
#endgame #chatbot #surgically #agi #rogueai