Its a perfect day for working on my list of Steam games that I have bought, but not really played.
Up first - #Roguebook
Turn-based card-battlers arent generally my kind of thing (this was recommended by a friend) but it may be the only game I play today.
It is not easy, but the relatively simple mechanics can produce a decent amount of strategic options.
Amazon Prime Gaming, annunciati i giochi gratis PC di giugno 2023
#Autonauts #GemsOfDestinyHomelessDwarf #MutationNation #NeverwinterNightsEnhancedEdition #OnceUponAJester #OverTop #PrimeGaming #Revita #Roguebook #Sengoku2 #SoccerBrawl #SteamWorldDig2 #TheSuperSpy #TopHunter
#autonauts #gemsofdestinyhomelessdwarf #mutationnation #neverwinternightsenhancededition #onceuponajester #overtop #PrimeGaming #revita #roguebook #sengoku2 #soccerbrawl #steamworlddig2 #thesuperspy #tophunter
Time to bust some books!
I mean catch some rogue ghosts?!
Free Play Days – Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed and Roguebook - Xbox Wire
#FreePlayDays #GhostbustersSpiritsUnleashed #Roguebook #Xbox #Microsoft #GamingNews
#freeplaydays #ghostbustersspiritsunleashed #roguebook #xbox #microsoft #gamingnews
Finally getting into #RogueBook on #NintendoSwitch. The deck buildin/drafting mechanics are interesting, and the card combat itself is simple enough to be able to get in quick. Compared to Richard Garfield's other game I'm currently trying to learn (Vampire: The Eternal Struggle) the complexity level is a breath of fresh air.
As a teenager, my best friend and I had a habit of riding down muddy slopes on skateboards or wallpaper tables, or jumping from parking garages into bushes and filming ourselves doing it.
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By Sven @stiftnuersel
#gaming #videogames #blog #roguebook
Als Jugendlicher hatten mein bester Freund und ich die Angewohnheit, auf Skateboards oder Tapeziertischen matschige Abhänge herunterzufahren oder von Parkhäusern in Büsche zu springen und uns dabei zu filmen...
Von Sven @stiftnuersel
#gaming #videogames #blog #roguebook
A new update has been released for Roguebook on Nintendo Switch, which includes touchscreen support. #Roguebook
A new update has been released for Roguebook on Nintendo Switch, which includes touchscreen support. #Roguebook