I was listening to some #vaporwave and got inspired to make a visualization in #threejs using #RogueEngine.
It took some reading about shaders and post-processing effects, but here it is, right in the browser! https://eyeofmidas.com/rogueengine/vaporwave/
Musical Playlist here:
#vaporwave #threejs #rogueengine #javascript #webgl
I didn't make it in time for #KenneyJam but I'm still proud of what I was eventually able to put together using just Kenney assets in #RogueEngine
It works in a browser window!
#kenneyjam #rogueengine #threejs #javascript #gamedev #indiedev
I put together a tech demo of a space station scene in #RogueEngine to see how quickly I could remember how to do all the parts. I think it turned out pretty well.
Try it here: (Click for sound)
#rogueengine #gamedev #indiedev #browsergame #threejs #scifi
I spent a few hours over the weekend testing out a new physics engine to use in #RogueEngine. I was originally going to make a SimCity clone but it turns out it's a lot more fun to smash things around with a big purple ball. 😁
Not sure where I'm going with this yet; anyone have any suggestions?