I had this idea of a dogfighting game similar to #starwars #roguesquadron with a #WW2 setting. But instead of fighting each other, humanity would be faced to fight a #Kaiju invasion.
This are some concept renders and not actual game footage. Have many ideas in my mind, including a complete backstory for the world this would play in. But I still don't know if this would be embraced by many people.
#gamedev #blender #lowpoly #japan #akagi #pacific #dogfight #fly #aircraft
#starwars #roguesquadron #ww2 #kaiju #gamedev #blender #lowpoly #japan #akagi #pacific #Dogfight #fly #aircraft
Pora na coroczne sprawdzenie, co tam się dzieje w temacie nowych filmów #StarWars i czemu nic. Chyba już możemy spokojnie skreślić #RogueSquadron i projekt #KevinFeige...
Więcej: https://cdaction.pl/kultura/star-wars-rogue-squadron-i-film-szefa-marvel-studios-chyba-nie-powstana
#disney #sf #sciencefiction #film #gwiezdnewojny #cdaction #kevinfeige #roguesquadron #starwars
News sui futuri film di Star Wars.
Quello su Rogue Squadron pare morto e sepolto.
Quello di Feige non sembra andare avanti.
Forse Taika ne fa uno
#starwars #roguesquadron #kevinfeige
#starwars #roguesquadron #kevinfeige
#roguesquadron movie update and statement on ww3 from @pattyjenkins@twitter.com #starwarsroguesquadron
#roguesquadron #starwarsroguesquadron
Nuevo episodio repasando la saga de Star Wars a través de los videojuegos !! :cine_starwars_logo:
#starwars #KOTOR #JediFallenOrder #TheForceUnleashed #RogueSquadron
#starwars #kotor #jedifallenorder #theforceunleashed #roguesquadron