Claudio Castagnoli defeated Chris Jericho to become the NEW Ring of Honor World Champion!
#roh #rohfinalbattle #AndNew #prowrestling
The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) defeated FTR to become the NEW ROH World Tag Team Champions!
#roh #rohfinalbattle #AndNew #prowrestling
Wheeler Yuta defeated Daniel Garcia to become the new ROH PURE Champion.
#roh #rohfinalbattle #AndNew #prowrestling
The Embassy (Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage & Toa Liona) defeated Dalton Castle & The Boys to become the NEW ROH 6-Man Tag Team Champions.
#roh #rohfinalbattle #AndNew #prowrestling
Athena defeated Mercedes Martinez to become the NEW ROH Women's World Champion.
#roh #rohfinalbattle #AndNew #prowrestling
FTR @DaxFTR & @CashWheelerFTR vs. The Briscoes @jaybriscoe84 & @SussexCoChicken war kein Wrestling Match, es war ein absolut Menschenverachtender Krieg. Nice! :mastozany: #ROHFinalBattle
Ob FTR vs. Briscoes III,
Athena oder die tollen Siege vom BCC wurde bereits alles über den tollen #ROHFinalBattle PPV gesagt 👏🏻
Was aber mindestens genau so mega war ist Daddy Magic am Mic! Es ist einfach immer ein Genuss Matt Menard bei seinen Promos zu erleben 🙌🏻
Alllll caught up on #ROHFinalBattle and #NXTDeadline and ready to chat with you all on WNIA along with Join us at 8EST.
The Kindom gegen Top Flight hat die #ZeroHour gerockt!
Dann starte ich mal mit #ROHFinalBattle! Hoffentlich halte ich durch, ich könnte jetzt schon schlafen 😂🙈 Die letzten Nächte mit Dark Souls waren echt lang 😁
Since 8 was at a wedding I'm still 0laying catch up on #ROHFinalBattle, that AR Fox/Blake Christian win over Rush + Dralistico looked lioe it shocked everyone involved.
And they say men struggle to communicate emotionally…
@ClaudioCSRO @IAmJericho
I can say that I’m a huge fan of dog collar matches. But in case of this tag team match, I feel conflicted.
I’m a fan of both teams and really enjoyed their first 2 matches. But I feel something is of about the match.
Tbh, I’m so pissed about that #FTR couldn’t have AEW belts while they held 3 other major titles as well. Their story became incomplete. Yet still no one can be upset about #DemBoys winning the titles.
#ftr #demboys #rohfinalbattle #prowrestling #wrestling
If you haven't watched Final Battle yet, it's worth it just for FTR vs The Briscoes. Lots of good stuff on the PPV but that was incredible. What a trilogy of matches.
#RingOfHonor #ROH #ROHFinalBattle #wrestling #FTR #TheBriscoes #AEW
#aew #thebriscoes #FTR #wrestling #rohfinalbattle #roh #ringofhonor
Order #ROHFinalBattle on PPV now!
Available on all major providers
arte. 🤌🤌🤌 #ROHFinalBattle
@Authenticdmckee And what a delight #rohfinalbattle was. Apart from those Nazi-hicks winning the tag team titles there wasn't a bad or even mediocre match on the card. (and technically FTR vs Briscoes was fine, except for the bigots becoming the face of ROH.) It was even better than #aewallout.
"Are humans allowed to do that?" - calling Top Flight's tag finisher vs. The Kingdom.
That match absolutely ruled, and that call put the smile on my face to cap it all off. #ROHFinalBattle #ZeroHour
Willow Nightingale is so cool. Trish Adora had some fun moments, I hear rumblings of a bad TV deal/paid streaming things happened in the post show scrum. I wish the matches being hype was m9re the v8be going in. #ROHFinalBattle #ZeroHour