Former mayor of #Yekaterinburg Yevgeny #Roizman was found guilty of "discrediting" the Russian army and fined 260,000 rubles.
"I believe that this is an acquittal in the current conditions", he said. #press
#yekaterinburg #roizman #press
L'accusa al processo contro l'ex sindaco di #Ekaterinburg e, da novembre, “agente straniero” Evgheny #Roizman ha chiesto, a sorpresa, solo una sanzione di 260mila rubli (3.250 dollari) per l'oppositore, accusato di aver screditato le forze militari russe. Il verdetto è atteso per domani.
#russia #repressione #Ekaterinburg #roizman
One of #Russia 's best known #opposition politicians, former Yekaterinburg mayor Yevgeny #Roizman #Royzman is on trial today again for "discrediting the Russian Armed Forces". He has openly opposed and criticised the war on #Ukraine from the start on
#russia #opposition #roizman #royzman #ukraine
I had wanted to remain at home in this weekend and to do anything interesting (a music, literature, play favourite game), but the country's leadership impel me to street. May be it want that I have been very healthy and breathe a fresh air.
This is my picket for support Evgeny Roizman, which to be under penal prosecution in Russia because of his political position about Ukraina.