Sea level rise estimate climbs to $310 million; Key Biscayne weighs options :
The unanswered question: how much flooding will the Village Council tolerate?
#AECOM #AllisonMcCormick #BrettMoss #coastalprotection #easement #flooding #powerline #RolandSamimy #sealevelrise #servicelevel #SteveWilliamson #stormwater #stormwater #targer #TomMcGowan #undergrounding
#Miami #news
#aecom #allisonmccormick #brettmoss #coastalprotection #easement #flooding #powerline #rolandsamimy #sealevelrise #servicelevel #stevewilliamson #stormwater #targer #tommcgowan #undergrounding #miami #News
Iguana invasion? Key Biscayne looks at fighting against lizard scourge :
“You don't see them. They come out and they eat everything that they can. So it is an issue,” said Roland Samimy, the chief resilience and sustainability officer.
#Agama #FernandoVazquez #FPL #FrankCaplan #Iguana #invasivespecies #JoeRasco #JosephWasilewski #NaturalSelectionsofSouthFlorida #RolandSamimy #seawall
#agama #fernandovazquez #FPL #frankcaplan #iguana #invasivespecies #joerasco #josephwasilewski #naturalselectionsofsouthflorida #rolandsamimy #seawall
Will Key Biscayne restart its sea level rise plan? Big vote Tuesday :
Is this a do-or-die moment for the infrastructure project?
#100Million #AECOM #ArmyCorpsofEngineers #Beach #biscaynebay #Black&Veatch #drainage #EdLondon #FernandoVazquez #Miami #resiliencybond #RolandSamimy #sealevelrise #seawall #shoreline #SteveWilliamson #stormwater #undergrounding
#Miami #news
#100million #aecom #armycorpsofengineers #beach #biscaynebay #black #drainage #edlondon #fernandovazquez #miami #resiliencybond #rolandsamimy #sealevelrise #seawall #shoreline #stevewilliamson #stormwater #undergrounding #News
Council members oppose plan to strengthen Key Biscayne’s seawalls :
The proposal has roiled owners of Key Biscayne’s priciest homes, as it could double the height of many existing seawalls.
#ArmyCorpsofEngineers #BackBayStudy #biscaynebay #BrettMoss #CarlosdelaCruz #EdLondon #FernandoVazquez #MoffatandNichol #NOAA #resiliency #RolandSamimy #sealevelrise #seawall #SteveWilliamson #stormwat
#armycorpsofengineers #backbaystudy #biscaynebay #brettmoss #carlosdelacruz #edlondon #fernandovazquez #moffatandnichol #noaa #resiliency #rolandsamimy #sealevelrise #seawall #stevewilliamson #stormwat