How #men can become #rolemodels for #genderinclusivity in the #workplace
#men #rolemodels #genderinclusivity #workplace
Fußballnationalspielerin Giulia Gwinn zeigt im ZDF-Doku-Format „RoleModels“, wie sie sich wieder zurück auf den Platz kämpft. In „Rogue Agent“ auf MagentaTV gibt sich ein Betrüger als Geheimagent aus. Und bei WOW entdeckt Sam in der neuen Staffel „Somebody Somewhere“ eine alte Leidenschaft wieder.
#GemmaArterton #GiuliaGwinn #Nationalmannschaft #RoleModels #WasLäuftHeute
#gemmaarterton #giuliagwinn #nationalmannschaft #rolemodels #waslauftheute
Frank Thies wurde ausgezeichnet mit dem 9. Platz für Prout In The Public Service.
Bi+sexuelle Sichtbarkeit ist wichtig. Daher ist es erfreulich, dass dieses Jahr anscheinend mehr bi+ Menschen auf den Listen stehen. Bei Prout In The Public Service sind es: Carrie-Anne Lawrence (Platz 2), Frank Thies (Platz 9), Vanessa Winterscheidt (Platz 14) und Suriel Fricke-Brasch.
PROUTinthePublicService sind geoutete LGBT*IQ-Personen, die ihrem Umfeld aktiv für LGBT*IQ-Chancengleichheit einsetzen, beispielsweise durch das Anstoßen von konkreten Aktivitäten oder durch eine Zusammenarbeit mit Entscheider_innen.
Alle Listen und Platzierten sind unter zu finden
#ProutPerformer #Rolemodels #Diversity #bisexuell #teachout #queerebildung #VisibleLGBTIQ #LGBT #LGBTIQ #ProutAtWork #FlaggefürVielfalt #Visibility #BiVisibility #DiversityMatters #ProutInThePublicService #biplus #pansexuell
Fotocredits: (c) Fotograf Marius Röer
#proutperformer #rolemodels #diversity #bisexuell #teachout #queerebildung #visiblelgbtiq #lgbt #lgbtiq #proutatwork #flaggefurvielfalt #visibility #bivisibility #diversitymatters #proutinthepublicservice #biplus #pansexuell
When I bought skateboard parts for my 9yo daughter, the store threw in a skateboarding mag for free into the delivery. She had a flick through and threw it away. I had a look - not a single photo of a woman skating. In this, the year of our lord 2023. Representation matters.
I will be submitting appropriate feedback. #skateboarding #gender #roleModels #molotovCocktail
#skateboarding #gender #rolemodels #molotovcocktail
#honeybees #sociallearning
#rolemodels #experiencemattersd
"honey bees only deliver precise spatial information in their dances if they previously had the opportunity to attend dances by experienced role models—the communication system must in part be learnt socially."
#honeybees #SocialLearning #rolemodels #experiencemattersd
Just finished a rewatch of 2008's #RoleModels with #PaulRudd. I'd forgotten what a fun movie it is! I recommend watching it with your kids because it's so heartwarming, even though the humor is pretty blue. It's middle school boy locker room type of humor -- and a total gas.
#MovieReview #ElizabethBanks #JaneLynch
#rolemodels #paulrudd #moviereview #elizabethbanks #janelynch
Happy #InternationalWomensDay to everyone out there! I’ve been so lucky to have a lot of #strong #female #rolemodels in my life and career and I’m lucky that I live in a country where #women are seen as equals. I’m also lucky to have a career where #women aren’t #discriminated against. Equally though I am aware that unfortunately this doesn’t happen in every country and in every job and that quite frankly is just wrong
#internationalwomensday #strong #female #rolemodels #women #discriminated
Nele Van Beveren shared her personal journey, as one of the few female software engineering students in her class, and how #rolemodels and initiatives like #CoderDojo and Dwengo can make a significant difference in diversifying future tech companies.
Üppige Formen, braune Hauttöne, dunkle HaareSchönheitsideale: Michael Jackson reverse #Schönheitsideal #Gesellschaft #SeinundZeit #RoleModels #Fernsehen #SChönheit #Streaming #Vorbilder #Kosmetik #Werbung #Film
#film #werbung #kosmetik #vorbilder #streaming #schonheit #fernsehen #rolemodels #seinundzeit #gesellschaft #schonheitsideal
I have an environmental science degree because I watched reel-to-reel movies of Dr. Jane Goodall in elementary school. I studied whales because of her and eventually worked in the private sector doing environmental health and safety consulting for ADL on the Big Dig in Boston to repay student loans.
This story makes me happy. Onward!
#Science #Women #Scientists #Data #Art #ChildDevelopment #RoleModels
#science #women #scientists #data #art #childdevelopment #rolemodels
When I was a child, I related to Data because he was smart, different from his peers, and socially awkward.
When I was a young adult, I related to Geordi because he was smart, brilliant with machines, and socially awkward.
Today I relate to Worf because he's passionate, stiffly honorable, and socially awkward.
... hey, wait a minute. Does this say more about me, or about Star Trek writers?
#rolemodels #neurodiversity #thenextgeneration #startrek
DESY scientist Saša Bajt leads the group for X-ray Optics for Extreme Conditions in @CFEL_Hamburg
at DESY and is also a principal investigator in the @cui_unihh
Cluster of Excellence at @unihh
. #laser #lovewhatIdo #rolemodels #research #stem #WomenInScience
#laser #lovewhatido #rolemodels #research #stem #womeninscience
Deifying any celebrity, regardless of their heavily managed personas, is a mistake. They’re not gods, they’re not flawless and there’s probably more luck involved in their success than they’d admit.
As a community for women who code, our most important initiative is creating visibility for local role models.
We frequently interview women who code from all over Belgium and in a wide spectrum of code-related specialties.
You can find past interviews with local role models here:
#belgianrolemodels #rolemodels #womenwhocoderolemodels #womenwhocodeBelgium
#belgianrolemodels #rolemodels #womenwhocoderolemodels #womenwhocodebelgium
So sad that Jacinda Ardern is stepping down. There aren't many #inspiring #politicians who are real #rolemodels - she certainly is both.
From Jacindamania to Christchurch: #jacindaardern ’s life in politics – in pictures
#newzealand #femaleleaders
#femaleleaders #newzealand #jacindaardern #rolemodels #politicians #inspiring
"If we want to make positive changes when it comes to masculinity, we can start by role-modelling healthy beliefs and behaviours in our own lives, whether that is as parents, coaches, employers or in other roles."
I enjoy watching science fiction movies and shows because at times I see things in them that are supposedly fiction - yet I have experienced them before as truth.
Really great science fiction has good science to it. Amazing science fiction transcends the fiction and is an actual reality that showcases and models experiences of truth to those who need to see the experiential representation of their lives in the bigger aspects of society.
#sciencefiction #truth #transcendence #rolemodels
We know of too many negative male role models (like Jordan Peterson), what about the positive ones? Here is the Damage Report's top 10 positive male role models.
Do you agree?
#rolemodels #thedamagereport #health #mentalhealth
Some of My Greatest Role Models and Influences
Many people have influenced me over the years and it was impossible to choose just one.
This article looks at some of them.
#rolemodels #influences #inspiration #icons #people #family #work #life
#rolemodels #influences #inspiration #icons #people #family #work #Life