If you are a #Roll20 user and a #Cairn fan and have been lamenting the lack of a character sheet, you're in luck. I created a sheet and had Roll20 add it on behalf of Cairn's creator, @yochaigal.
As a GM, you can select it when creating a game or when selecting the character sheet for a game after creation.
We’re still wandering around waiting for something to happen in the Order of the Silver Twilight. We had a talk about the expanding universe, astonishing stuff for 1925. Which was then followed by drinks – alcoholic drinks, which was again astonishing (illegal) for 1925. But nothing which would give us the impression that the Order are in any way odd.
#callofcthulhu #ttrpgs #roll20
The integration is nice - so far, all my attack rolls, spells, and skills worked beautifully. #DnD #DnDBeyond #Roll20
OMFG I did it...I updated the #TribesInTheDark #TTRPG #Roll20 sheets with the new Cell (crew) sheet and added a fourth sheet. But I just remembered that the original sheets were built using Pug and SCSS. I *had* been diligent making changes to the Pug or SCSS files, then running a build so new HTML and CSS files are created. But IDGAF I'm not doing it now, I've forgotten the process anyway.
#tribesinthedark #ttrpg #roll20
After finishing the #TribesInTheDark fillable PDFs, I decided to crack open the old version of the #Roll20 sheets. There's some pretty major updates that need to be done... My last commit to the repo was 21 months ago.
For tech skills, not using them for 21 months is the equivalent of 20 years. I might as well be starting from scratch figuring out how to change things.
Pictured: actual footage of me trying to make changes to the HTML.
I can't yet encompass what #VTT features of #Roll20 you get with #ActivityPub? Wouldn't you have to write all the VTT features from scratch, and people have their own VTT server instances using federation to run games and provide watchable/recordable game play streams?
Bleh, #FoundryVTT isn't going to meet my short term VTT needs. Although there is some hope in that I may be able to fix up our #Roll20 sheets (which *are* functional, they just need updating for rules changes). It's just that it's...Roll20. Another option is to add form fill fields to the PDFs. Then import the sheets into Miro and voila! Sheets that are PDFs in VTT.
@kingu Depends. If we need something lightweight, #OwlbearRodeo. For something meatier, where rule support is helpful (eg #CyberpunkRED) and the maps are largely 2D, the #Roll20. For sessions that benefit from three dimensions, #TaleSpire.
Most of our Lair communications happen on #Discord (coordination sessions, game updates, funny posts). We also use Discord for voice and video during games.
#OwlbearRodeo #CyberpunkRED #roll20 #talespire #discord
@jalcine VTTs (virtual table tops) are becoming very popular. I play on #Roll20, and one group I play with uses #FoundryVTT.
Need some carts and wagons for your fantasy game? This new Transportation Sensations: Fantasy Wagons set includes 40 different wagons for hauling loot, or raiding loot from, or retreating in disgrace in! Includes: camp, loot, and cargo wagons, chariots, battle wagons, covered wagons, cage wagons, coffin wagon, druid wagons, house wagons, fancy chariots, portable forge, and band wagon (yes).
On Roll20:
Or DriveThruRPG:
Gizmodo: D&D Beyond's First Third-Party Product for Sale Is a Critical Role Release https://gizmodo.com/dnd-beyond-taldorei-reborn-setting-critical-role-wotc-1850748289 #publiccopyrightlicenses #tabletoproleplayinggame #wizardsofthecoast #wolvesoffreeport #opengamelicense #creativecommons #dungeonsdragons #tabletopgames #mobilecontent #ddbeyond #dragon #wizard #roll20
#publiccopyrightlicenses #tabletoproleplayinggame #wizardsofthecoast #wolvesoffreeport #opengamelicense #creativecommons #dungeonsdragons #tabletopgames #mobilecontent #ddbeyond #dragon #wizard #roll20
Die #RPGaDay2023 Antwort (15) Lieblings #OneShot Abenteuer ist einfach: "Abendmahl in der Löwenloge" https://www.ulisses-ebooks.de/product/373255/Pathfinder-2--Abendmahl-in-der-Lowenloge-PDF-als-Download-kaufen für #Pathfinder2E, auch wenn ich es auf #ProjektMyra mit #Roll20 als "Invitation to Aisenatha" auf #Gwynddor ansiedele und mit #DnD5e leite https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/10860555/an-invitation-to-aisenatha - Tödlich, bleibt aber immer gut in Bewegung. Als OneShot besser mit den vorbereiteten Charakteren als mit in Stufe 4 aufgestiegenen spielen - dann ist die Trauer https://rollenspiel.social/@projektmyra/110893074950112646 weniger gross #pnpde
#rpgaday2023 #oneshot #pathfinder2e #projektmyra #roll20 #gwynddor #dnd5e #pnpde
@rivetgeek It’s just so obvious it’s a very old, creaky system where no improvements have been made to even basic functionality in years and years.
The whole “you must drag from the name, not the icon” has been confounding people for over half a decade!
It’s heartening to see recent improvements, but they’ve got such a backlog.
Somebody young and hungry (or better funded) is eventually gonna eat their lunch. #Roll20 #TTRPG #VTT
Saw a neat Roll20 commercial...but when will they implement the features that people have been asking about for *years*. There are long threads in their support forum with these requests, and it would make the platform so much more useful for people who don't play D&D or similar games. #TTRPG #Roll20 #VTT
#SavageWorlds + #Roll20 seems like a lot of work!
Especially getting the card deck initiative system up and running smoothly.
Anybody have any *EASY* instructions for setting it up?
What would be so easy in person, but I'm still favoring remote games due to #CovidIsntOver.
#savageworlds #roll20 #covidisntover
Wife and I joined our first #DnD game of the day at #GenConOnline 2023. We're in the "how to import characters into #Roll20" part of the session. This could take a while!
Tried installing the #Roll20 Android app to use for #GenConOnline, but couldn't even log in to it.
Psssst! Want a Free Map?
Have a #FREE hand drawn map ideal for #Roll20 #FantasyGrounds #Foundry or IRL.
#dnd #5e #pathfinder #P2e #maps #cartography
#5e #dndcommunity #dndmaps #pathfinderrpg #ttrpgs #magicitem #rpggames #wotc #RolePlayingGame #osr #DungeonsAndDragons5e
#free #roll20 #fantasygrounds #Foundry #DnD #5e #pathfinder #P2E #maps #cartography #dndcommunity #dndmaps #pathfinderrpg #ttrpgs #magicitem #rpggames #wotc #roleplayinggame #osr #dungeonsanddragons5e