I'm always struck by how peculiar the set of skills and values required for roller derby really is.
Do you enjoy consensual violence, puns and respecting people's chosen identity? If so, have we got a sport for you!
I’m spending all weekend curled up watching the Lobstah Roll tournament. The WHOLE weekend.
#RollerDerby training log: we were joined by three of the Harlots tonight, giving us enough numbers to run a scrim at the end of the evening. My first!
Also! The order of t-shirts and vests came in this week, so I now have a choice of a white t-shirt or a black vest each week. It was a useful boost since my other pre-derby friend at training knows the Harlots so I was feeling a bit of being the outsider (that's entirely on me, the Harlots are lovely).
Acabo de salir del primer entrenamiento de #RollerDerby #DerbiPatín de la temporada e igual apuntarme a GAP mañana a las siete y cuarto fue un poco flipada por mi parte
#RollerDerby training log: first week back after the two week summer break! It was a quiet one, just six people on skates, but we had one person joining us from the Harlots which shut down recently, so that was cool! Possibly quite a few more on the way too, which I'm looking forward to.
Practised intercepts and staying in formation today, plus the usual footwork drill. I got off to a great start with the intercepting but then started overthinking and had two left feet. But feeling energised 😊
+++ Moin +++
Die Lage am Montag:
- #FCSP News
- 0:0 gegen Magdeburg
- 3x 0:0 - erstmals seit 1998
- Lage der Liga
- Rote Karte gegen Polizeigewalt
- Braunschweig Away
- #FCSP1Frn
- #fcspU23 +U19 + U17
- #RollerDerby
- Luis Rubiales
- eiskalter Vollstrecker
#rollerderby #fcspU23 #fcsp1frn #fcsp
Watching live streaming #RollerDerby as I'm not well enough to be there this weekend. My top tips: 1. as a jammed don't take the lead only to get sent off, don't come back on to get sent right back off again, your giving points away, 2. don't body slam another player so hard that they knock your own jammer off the track.
Un buen día para traer a la memoria el cartel de Puño para ¡Hostia un libro! en 2015, una edición que aunó #ediciónindependiente, #autoedición y guantazos en forma de #rollerderby con las Black Thunders. La ilustración fue además portada del fanzine colectivo #Folloneras, donde el deporte femenino y otras temáticas hermanadas quedaron plasmadas con contundencia.
Brindamos porque todo el espíritu follonero de aquella edición sigue muy vivo ☀️
#edicionindependiente #autoedicion #rollerderby #folloneras #hul2015 #hulstories #festival #Libros #fanzines
Today, August 25, misfit Texas teen Bliss attends a roller derby bout in Austin, sparking an interest in the game and a new phase of Bliss' life (Whip It, 2009)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #WhipIt #RollerDerby
#movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #whipit #rollerderby
+++ Moin +++
Die Lage am Freitag:
- #FCSP News
- Magdeburg
- Lage der Liga
- Straßenfest
- Hertha away
- Südkurve
- Spenden
- Tourshirts
- Pokaltickets
- #FCSP1Frn
- #fcspU23
- #fcspU19
- #fcspU17
- #RollerDerby
- Medienabteilung
- Ein Schuss, kein Tor, die Bayern
#rollerderby #fcspu17 #fcspu19 #fcspU23 #fcsp1frn #fcsp
Tengo muchas ganas de volver al #RollerDerby #DerbiPatín pero llevo mes y medio sin ponerme sobre ocho ruedas y, en fin, que nos vamos a reír mucho en unos días.
The fact that #Brexshit has forced many small sports teams in the Republic of Ireland to close due to the inability to secure insurance makes me livid. It's an absolute disgrace that no #politician stepped in to do something about the #insurance industry. They only care about #FDI and #tourism though, not about people who actually live here. It's obvious they want us all to #emigrate or join the tourism industry.
Finally it's official.
#RIP Galway City Roller Derby 💔
#brexshit #politician #insurance #fdi #tourism #emigrate #rip #rollerderby #galway
this #rollerderby team in ecuador is going to play at their first tournament ever, but they need some support for travel costs. i've sent $100 their way, please chip in too if you can:
It's today!
Doors open at 2:30pm, bout starts at 3:00pm. Bring your own chairs or a blanket to sit on if you want to be closer to the track, but there is seating further back.
Mayflower Curling Club, 3000 Monaghan Drive
FREE for kids under 12.
$10 for adults
#halifax #rollerderby #hfx #hfxns #novascotia #sports #family #fun
#halifax #rollerderby #hfx #hfxns #novascotia #sports #family #fun
Boise Farmers Market this morning and the redoubtable Treasure Valley Rollergirls this evening. We'll have a lot of catching up to do —it's been a while since my right hemisphere went on that neurological side quest. #rollerderby Perseids whenever.