Tonight! Kreyorin is coming to terms with the tragic loss of bacon from his life, so we're doing a one shot! We will be trying out #7thSea and running it in Thylea!
Join us at tonight at 7pm PST for some adventure on the high seas!
#7thsea #twitch #actualplay #rollforbull
In the aftermath of the fight with Sydon, the group is off to their next destination! Where will they go next? To Adventure? To Glory? To an immediate court tribunal for war crimes? Find out tonight at 7pm PST at!
#dnd #twitch #actualplay #rollforbull
The Party has taken on the challenges of Fire Island and is now ready to move on to new territories! Where do we go from here? Is there an island populated entirely by ice cream and puppies? The answers to these questions and more, tonight at & pm PST at !
#twitch #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #rollforbull
It's Sunday! Last day of the week! (Or maybe the first, depending where you're from) Either way, why not celebrate it with a new Short! where DM Ben tortures Tammie!
10 minutes until we go live! check us out at!
Tonight, at 7pm PST, come join us on Twitch as we Roll For Bull! The party has ended up on a volcanic island, where some lizardfolk have invited the group to speak with their trapped God. That's the kind of sales pitch anyone would fall for, right?
Another short to get you warmed up for Monday night! What do you gotta do to earn Krey's respect? Well, we saw it on Thurdsay! via @YouTube
Doing a #TBT today, all the way back to Episode 5! See Kiki and Krey duel it out in today's #RollforBull short:
#tbt #rollforbull #dnd #youtube
10 minutes to go! Join us at Roll For Bull and watch us deal with such characters as:
Bastard King!
Book Mommy!
Minotaur Himbo!
and those are just the NPCs!
#DnD #Twitch #RollforBull
Tonight, at 7pm PST, join us on Twitch for Roll For Bull! Euphemion has a baby, and the world is ending! It's relatable content for millennials! Check it out at!
Oh, yeah! There was another short launched today! Euphemion gets sassy with Kyrah, and Kyrah doesn't appreciate it.
Our second-ever Youtube Short is up! What happens when the monk's disguise comes up short? Kiki gets angry!
15 minutes to go before we Roll for Bull! Tonight, Euphemion faces off against the Titan Lutheria as she demands to know why he has a snarl in his soul.
I'm sure that's not going to lead to any major revelations or anything... #DnD #Twitch #RollforBull
Also, it's Monday! That means you have to join us for Roll for Bull tonight! Or don't. I'm a social media post, not a cop. But you should probably join us at tonight at 7 p.m. PST... Just in case.
Trying out some Youtube shorts! Want some bite-size Roll for Bull in your life? We're going to try to get these out semi-regularly, so keep an eye out!
#dnd #rollforbull #youtube #twitch
In case you missed it, Episode 59 is now up on our YouTube channel, ready for viewing. Will our heroes be able to rescue their petrified ally from the clutches of... a bank vault?
It's game time! Gome join us now at We're gonna try to get a satyr statue out of a druid-defended vault! I'm pretty sure it even makes sense! #DnD #Twitch #RollforBull
It's a new year and the fine folks here at Roll for Bull would like to help you start it off right, by inviting you to join our stream tonight at 7pm PST! #DnD #Twitch #RollForBull
Attention adventurers! We're back tonight at 7pm PST on Twitch to continue our battle with the fierce Medusa queen on Roll for Bull. Don't miss out on all the action at See you there!