"He's a Rebel" is a song written by #GenePitney that was originally recorded by #VikkiCarr and by the #girlGroup #theBlossoms. Produced by #PhilSpector, the Blossoms' version was issued as a single credited to #theCrystals, which topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart in November 1962. It was Spector's second chart-topper after "#ToKnowHimIsToLoveHim" (1958). In 2004, "He's a Rebel" was ranked No. 263 on #RollingStones500GreatestSongsOfAllTime.
#genepitney #vikkicarr #girlgroup #theblossoms #philspector #thecrystals #toknowhimistolovehim #rollingstones500greatestsongsofalltime
"Jim Dandy" (sometimes known as "Jim Dandy to the Rescue") is a song written by #LincolnChase, and was first recorded by American #R_B singer #LaVernBaker on December 21, 1955. It reached the top of the R&B chart and #17 on the #pop charts in the United States. It was named one of #TheRockAndRollHallOfFames500SongsThatShapedRockAndRoll and was ranked #352 on #RollingStones500GreatestSongsOfAllTime. The song is about a man (Jim Dandy).
#lincolnchase #r_b #lavernbaker #pop #therockandrollhalloffames500songsthatshapedrockandroll #rollingstones500greatestsongsofalltime
"Take Me to the River" is a 1974 song written by singer #AlGreen and guitarist #MabonTeenieHodges. Hit versions were recorded by both #SylJohnson and #TalkingHeads. In 2004, Al Green's original version was ranked number 117 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the #RollingStones500GreatestSongsOfAllTime.
#algreen #mabonteeniehodges #syljohnson #talkingheads #rollingstones500greatestsongsofalltime