Albany Bishop Emeritus Howard Hubbard dies with his status in the church, community in flux
#religion #newyork #RomanCatholic #clergyabusecoverup #socialjustice #obits #obituaries #restinparadise #rip #deaths #whodied
#religion #newyork #romancatholic #clergyabusecoverup #socialjustice #obits #obituaries #restinparadise #rip #deaths #whodied
#Oradea is home to a number of important cultural and historical landmarks, including the #Oradea Fortress and the ✝️#RomanCatholic Cathedral.
#bihor #romania #facts #randomfact #romancatholic #Oradea
#Oradea is home to a number of important cultural and historical landmarks, including the #Oradea Fortress and the ✝️#RomanCatholic Cathedral.
#bihor #romania #facts #randomfact #romancatholic #Oradea
#Nashville-born Charles Strobel, #RomanCatholic priest, humanitarian, author, and Room In The Inn founder, dies at 80
#activism #poverty #homelessness #antiracist #books #Tennessee #obits #obituaries #restinparadise #rip #deaths #whodied
#nashville #romancatholic #activism #poverty #homelessness #antiracist #books #tennessee #obits #obituaries #restinparadise #rip #deaths #whodied
And speaking of Xian crimes, Catholic edition. For this, I am reminded of Archbishop Gilday (see The Godfather, Part 3).
Vatican financial scandals: Corruption, stupidity or both?
#catholic #romancatholic #corruption #crime #religion
July 24, 2023
The Church Of Leonard Leo
The Supreme Court’s dark-money operative bought a church near his tony summer home, where neighbors are protesting his political crusade.
Andrew Perez
#RomanCatholic #Christofascist #lawyer #LeonardLeo #FederalistSociety #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #MAGA #GOP #MitchMcConnell #NortheastHarbor #MountDesert #Maine #church #SacredSpacesFoundation #LeverNews #AndrewPerez
#mountdesert #northeastharbor #SupremeCourt #AndrewPerez #levernews #sacredspacesfoundation #church #maine #mitchmcconnell #gop #MAGA #SCOTUS #federalistsociety #LeonardLeo #lawyer #christofascist #romancatholic
Video: Pastor Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - 3 Ways To Prove That #Catholicism Is NOT #Biblical #Christianity - #RomanCatholic -
#Sermon #Scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #catholicism #biblical #Christianity #romancatholic
Canticum B. Mariæ Virginis
Luc. 1:46-55
1:46 Magníficat ☩ * ánima mea Dóminum.
1:47 Et exsultávit spíritus meus: * in Deo, salutári meo.
1:48 Quia respéxit humilitátem ancíllæ suæ: * ecce enim ex hoc beátam me dicent omnes generatiónes.
1:49 Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est: * et sanctum nomen eius.
1:50 Et misericórdia eius, a progénie in progénies: * timéntibus eum.
1:51 Fecit poténtiam in brácchio suo: * dispérsit supérbos mente cordis sui.
1:52 Depósuit poténtes de sede: * et exaltávit húmiles.
1:53 Esuriéntes implévit bonis: * et dívites dimísit inánes.
1:54 Suscépit Israël púerum suum: * recordátus misericórdiæ suæ.
1:55 Sicut locútus est ad patres nostros: * Ábraham, et sémini eius in sǽcula.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Amávit eum Dóminus, et ornávit eum: stolam glóriæ índuit eum, et ad portas paradísi coronávit eum.
#Magnificat #Catholic #Catholicism #Christianity #RomanCatholic
#magnificat #catholic #catholicism #christianity #romancatholic
Document: Vatican to discuss voting rights for women, LGTBQ+ inclusion :
The synthesis found a "unanimous" and "crucial" call for women to be allowed to access positions of responsibility and governance.
#femalepastors #laypeople #LGTBQ+ #PopeFrancis #roleofwomen #RomanCatholic #Vatican
#Miami #news
#femalepastors #laypeople #lgtbq #popefrancis #roleofwomen #romancatholic #Vatican #miami #News
Well who’s #dumb idea is it to #outlaw Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (#DEI ) from higher education when the former Republican President George Sr passed the landmark law Americans with Disabilities Act (#ADA ) of 1990?
Oh yea, #dummy #RonDeSantis who graduated from top tier universities such as #Harvard and #Yale who claims to have passed the #FloridaBar! America, this is what #TopTierEducation gets you!
With all the education, training and accreditation he’s got the gall to suppress #black voices in #history, ban the Critical Race Theory (#CRT ) because he thinks teaching #intolerance and #history is morally #Woke, has a #vendetta against #LGBTQIA+ folxs and #women’s health care decisions treating a broad spectrum of population as #SecondClassCitizens?
All of these issues are #nonissues that didn’t need #discriminatory action! All of these issues has to do with history, education and personal choices that he is personally #offended because he claims to be a #RomanCatholic upholding draconian #SouthernBaptistChurch principles on Floridians and soon on America!
There are far greater issues that #America has on its hands and quite frankly Florida is NOT representative of the #whole country! With all the said, I rest my case that #RonDesatan is a #terrible choice of a #politician all around. It’s time to #dismiss this #clown to the Southern Baptist Church where they’ll happily take his #credo.
#dumb #outlaw #dei #ada #dummy #rondesantis #harvard #yale #floridabar #toptiereducation #black #history #crt #intolerance #woke #vendetta #lgbtqia #women #secondclasscitizens #nonissues #discriminatory #offended #romancatholic #southernbaptistchurch #america #whole #rondesatan #Terrible #politician #Dismiss #clown #credo
The religion of the majority of the population is ☦️#EasternOrthodox.
Other Christian denominations present in 🇷🇴#Romania include ✝️#RomanCatholic, ✝️#GreekCatholic, and various ✝️#Protestant ones.
There are also some other minority religions, including ✡️#Judaism, ☪️#Islam, and ☸️#BuddhisBuddhism, which are practiced by small communities within the country.
#facts #randomfact #buddhisbuddhism #islam #judaism #protestant #greekcatholic #romancatholic #romania #easternorthodox
Video: Pastor Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - #America Is NOT A #RomanCatholic Nation
#romancatholic #America #kingjamesbible #kjv #biblestudy #bible #Scriptures #Sermon
MUST WATCH & STUDY VIDEO! America, are you going to participate & prosecute the murderers or will you as usual coward out? - You Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox & #Protestants sill want to follow Papa Anticristo?
Lawsuit Filed Against #RomanCatholic #Hospital In #Murder Of #DownSyndrome Teen - #DemandCapitalPunishment
#DemandCapitalPunishment #downsyndrome #murder #hospital #romancatholic #Protestants
The Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Dallas, Texas, isolated on black and white - wall art print poster
#dallas #blackandwhite #romancatholic #church #cathedral #catholiccathedral #artsdistrict #dallastx #dallastexas #dallascounty #texas #downtowndallas #buyintoart #ayearforart #buyart #poster #artprint #wallart #artforsale #art #artwork
#artwork #art #artforsale #wallart #artprint #poster #buyart #ayearforart #buyintoart #downtowndallas #texas #dallascounty #dallastexas #dallastx #artsdistrict #catholiccathedral #cathedral #church #romancatholic #BlackAndWhite #dallas
Report details ‘staggering’ church sex abuse in Maryland
The report paints a damning picture of the archdiocese, which is the oldest #RomanCatholic diocese in the country.
Religion has historically been backed by superstition, taboos, intolerance and violence toward anyone who dared to disagree. While people of reason and skepticism tended to be open to ideas that promoted understanding and progress. Isn't it about time to shut down this church of #Deviates?
just sayin
An order of #RomanCatholic #priests is picking up the #legal tab for one of its own on trial for #historical #SexualAbuse at a #ResidentialSchool in #Manitoba .
Fr. Ken Thorson, #spokesperson for #Oblates of #MaryImmaculate #Lacombe said his #Ottawa based order is supplying the #DefenceFawyer for Fr. #ArthurMassé.
#Manitoba #Canada #JailPriests #TaxChurches #StopChildAbusers
#romancatholic #priests #legal #historical #sexualabuse #residentialschool #manitoba #spokesperson #oblates #maryimmaculate #lacombe #ottawa #defencefawyer #arthurmasse #canada #jailpriests #taxchurches #stopchildabusers
" Pope John Paul II and pedophile priests becomes Poland’s top political issue.
The country’s ruling party wants to convert reports that the pontiff turned a blind eye toward child abuse into electoral rocket fuel.
the big subject dominating Poland’s politics ahead of this fall’s parliamentary election is the legacy of John Paul II."
#romancatholic #catholic #priests #poland #pope #johnpaul2
#shade #syriacorthodox #ethiopian #Coptic #romancatholic #armenianapostolic #greekorthodox #holyland #jerusalem #holysepulchre #statusquo #histodons
#syriacorthodox #ethiopian #Coptic #romancatholic #armenianapostolic #greekorthodox #holyland #jerusalem #holysepulchre #statusquo #histodons
#RomanCatholic Cardinal Opens ‘Abrahamic Family House’ With #Muslims Praying Prayers Denouncing #Jews & #Christians
#christians #jews #muslims #romancatholic