#SNES (1995)
Este #RPG desarrollado por #Enix trae una estructura similar a otros grandes títulos del sistema como #LiveaLive o #RomancingSaGa , en donde a través de 8 capítulos distintos iremos conociendo a diferentes personajes que nos ayudarán a entender una historia conjunta.
Como siempre, he quedado prendado de su estilo pixel art minimalista (aunque lo cierto es que estos títulos recurrían a ello por falta de recursos más que por decisión artística), siendo cada personaje muy diferenciable, no solo a nivel visual sino en cuanto a estadísticas y habilidades, convirtiendo cada uno de los ocho capítulos en una experiencia totalmente distinta.
Con una variedad aceptable de enemigos y distintas zonas bien distinguidas entre sí, este título ofrece una buena experiencia para todo fan de los JRPG antiguos.
#snes #rpg #enix #livealive #romancingsaga
Ah this came finally from Play Asia! I am really happy to play this as I really like the Romancing Sage series and I never got to play the SNES game :) #switch #switchcorps #romancingsaga #gamecollecting
#switch #switchcorps #romancingsaga #gamecollecting
Goodamn, my shopping addiction.
I was tempted to buy Lover Pretend twice off #amazonca and #gamestop.
I still have lots of other #Otome games I bought from the #eShop and physically.
Probably going to play #RomancingSaga again. But I got some digestion issues. >_<
So I'm watching friends on #Twitch tonight.
#Twitch #romancingsaga #eshop #otome #gamestop #AmazonCA
So finally started playing #RomancingSaga on the Switch. Had to start all over cause my party died.
Least I got the Bard in my party. Got it off the eShop for 35$CAD.
Finished my playthrough of Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song remastered. Well for one character at least.
#RomancingSaGaMinstrelSong #romancingsaga
#RomancingSaGaMinstrelSong #romancingsaga
Loving how much easier they've made acquiring rare items in the Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song remaster. This was the rarest item in the game, iirc. No more save scumming for like a month.
Une nouvelle Partie Rapide est arrivée ! @Zali_Falcam nous parle du remaster de #RomancingSaGa Minstrel Song et @Shift du roguelite #NecroBouncer :
Hey gang, deciding how I want to do today, I'm thinking maybe a short afternoon stream checking out #AstroColony and then this evening after supper we jump into Sunday Retro with #RomancingSaga Minstrel's Song Remastered.
We'll see how the kids and puppy cooperate with this LOL
Play Minstrel's Song for the first time. Get wrecked by the battle scaling. Drop the newly bought game.
This is the Kawazu experience :breathe:
I really like Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy Legend I, so I was expecting to love it but this is so damn hard.
Maybe another attempt before dropping the gauntlet ? Mmh...
#jrpg #finalfantasy #romancingsaga
#RomancingSaGa: Minstrel Song Remastered von #SquareEnix ist jetzt erhältlich. Erstmals in Europa, denn das #PS2-Remake schaffte es einst nur bis nach Nordamerika. Nun liegt davon ein Remaster vor. Romancing SaGa war einst ein Spiel für #SuperFamicom.
#superfamicom #ps2 #squareenix #romancingsaga
Poimintoja tämän viikon (48/2022) uutuuspelien tarjonnasta.
#WorldofWarcraft #WoW #Dragonflight #TheCallistoProtocol #MidnightSuns #Marvel #NeedForSpeedUnbound #SoccerStory #Darktide #Warhammer40k #RomancingSaGa #viikonpelijulkaisut #uutuuspelit
#uutuuspelit #viikonpelijulkaisut #romancingsaga #warhammer40k #darktide #soccerstory #needforspeedunbound #Marvel #midnightsuns #TheCallistoProtocol #dragonflight #wow #worldofwarcraft
Welcome to Not-E3 Announcement Season
Same great announcements, just without the branding.
#News #Videogames #gamefreak #Nintendo #PokémonScarlet #PokémonViolet #RomancingSaGa:MinstrelSongRemastered #Sega #SonicFrontiers #SonicTeam #SquareEnix #ThePokémonCompany #videogames
#news #videogames #gamefreak #nintendo #PokémonScarlet #PokémonViolet #romancingsaga #sega #SonicFrontiers #sonicteam #squareenix #ThePokémonCompany
Welcome to Not-E3 Announcement Season
Same great announcements, just without the branding.
#News #Videogames #gamefreak #Nintendo #PokémonScarlet #PokémonViolet #RomancingSaGa:MinstrelSongRemastered #Sega #SonicFrontiers #SonicTeam #SquareEnix #ThePokémonCompany #videogames
#news #videogames #gamefreak #nintendo #PokémonScarlet #PokémonViolet #romancingsaga #sega #SonicFrontiers #sonicteam #squareenix #ThePokémonCompany
hawke, still processing. #SaGa #RomancingSaGa #MinstrelSong #ロマサガ #stillprocesing #NobodyArtistclub #ArtistOnMastodon #videogames #Hawke #ps2
#saga #romancingsaga #stillprocesing #NobodyArtistClub #artistonmastodon #videogames #hawke #ps2 #MinstrelSong #ロマサガ