al1977uk · @al1977uk
10 followers · 7 posts · Server

My daughter has been studying the Romans at school. Out of curiosity I checked to see what a cheap roman coin would cost on ebay. It turns out that a follis is about £1 + shipping. When she asked how much it was worth in Roman times - it turns out about £1 - nice symmetry.

I do these things to try keep her inspired with learning and of for me it's something new to add to the cabinet of curiosities.

#romans #numismatics #romancoin

Last updated 2 years ago

al1977uk · @al1977uk
14 followers · 9 posts · Server

My daughter has been studying the Romans at school. Out of curiosity I checked to see what a cheap roman coin would cost on ebay. It turns out that a follis is about £1 + shipping. When she asked how much it was worth in Roman times - it turns out about £1 - nice symmetry.

I do these things to try keep her inspired with learning and of for me it's something new to add to the cabinet of curiosities.

#romans #numismatics #romancoin

Last updated 2 years ago

AutisticMumTo3 She/her · @AutisticMumTo3
193 followers · 2160 posts · Server

Lost Roman emperor long thought to be fake was real leader in time of chaos

Researchers analyzed a set of coins found in 1713 considered by many experts to be fake, finding that they were authentic artifacts from Roman times.

#lostromanemperor #sponsian #timeofchaos #fakecoin #fakecoinreal #romancoin #romanemperor #fakeromanemperorreal #1713hoard #artifacts #archeology

Last updated 2 years ago