Unlike the practice of professional numismatists, I prefer to see the “big picture”. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1338/follow-the-money--the-coinage-of-later-imperial-ro/ #History #Coinage #RomanCoinage #Silver
#silver #romancoinage #coinage #History
Unlike the practice of professional numismatists, I prefer to see the “big picture”. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1338/follow-the-money--the-coinage-of-later-imperial-ro/ #History #Coinage #RomanCoinage #Silver
#silver #romancoinage #coinage #History
Just as in other ancient civilizations, the first banks in Rome began in the temples consecrated to the ancient Gods. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/974/banking-in-the-roman-world/ #History #Coinage #Gold #RomanCoinage
#romancoinage #gold #coinage #History
On this Ides of March, time for some #numismatic show n tell. A silver denarius struck under Julius Caesar a couple of years before the fateful day. The coin shows Venus on the obverse and Aeneas, her son, and legendary forefather of all Romans, to whom Caesar traced his own divine ancestry, on the reverse #RomanCoinage #archeology #Rome
#rome #archeology #romancoinage #numismatic
Just as in other ancient civilizations, the first banks in Rome began in the temples consecrated to the ancient Gods. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/974/banking-in-the-roman-world/ #History #Coinage #Gold #RomanCoinage
#romancoinage #gold #coinage #History
Orichalcum ("mountain copper") or aurichalcum ("gold copper") was a metal used in coins during ancient times. Orichalcum was a golden-yellow coloured mixture consisting of both copper and zinc and referred to as brass. The Romans were the first to make coins from orichalcum and were attracted to the metal due to its close resemblance to gold. https://www.worldhistory.org/Orichalcum/?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=Zapier&utm_campaign=whencyclopedia #history #RomanCoinage #Orichalcum #Atlantis
#atlantis #orichalcum #romancoinage #History