Macrinus was Roman emperor from April 217 to June 218 CE. #History #Caracalla #Macrinus #RomanEmperor
#romanemperor #macrinus #caracalla #History
Galba was Roman emperor from June 68 to January 69 CE. #History #Galba #RomanEmperor #YearoftheFourEmperors
#yearofthefouremperors #romanemperor #galba #History
Constantius II ruled the Roman Empire between 337-361 CE. #History #ConstantiusII #RomanEmperor
#romanemperor #constantiusii #History
Domitian was Roman Emperor from 81 to 96 CE and his reign, although one of relative peace and stability, became engulfed in both fear and paranoia. #History #Decebalus #Domitian #RomanEmperor
#romanemperor #domitian #decebalus #History
Elgabalus was Roman emperor from 218 to 222 CE. #History #Elagabalus #RomanEmperor
#romanemperor #elagabalus #History
Galla Placidia (388-450 CE), the future empress, was the half-sister of the Westen Roman emperor Flavius Honorius (r. 395-423 CE), and the daughter of Theodosius the Great (r. 379-395 CE). She was taken hostage by Alaric during the sack of Rome 410 CE. #History #RomanEmperor #GallaPlacidia #Alaric #HistoryFacts
#historyfacts #alaric #gallaplacidia #romanemperor #History
Vitellius was Roman emperor from April to December 69 CE. #History #RomanEmperor #Vitellius #YearoftheFourEmperors
#yearofthefouremperors #vitellius #romanemperor #History
Macrinus was Roman emperor from April 217 to June 218 CE. #History #Caracalla #Macrinus #RomanEmperor
#romanemperor #macrinus #caracalla #History
Titus was Roman emperor from 79 to 81 CE. #Domitian #RomanEmperor #Titus #History
#History #titus #romanemperor #domitian
Vitellius was Roman emperor from April to December 69 CE. Vitellius was the third of the four emperors who ruled the Roman Empire in the year 69 CE. One of his predecessors, Galba, who had replaced the fallen Emperor Nero, was murdered by the Praetorian Guard for failing to keep promises to those who had put him in power. Emperor Otho, Galba's successor, committed suicide before the imposing a... #RomanEmperor #Vitellius #YearoftheFourEmperors #History
#History #yearofthefouremperors #vitellius #romanemperor
Vitellius was Roman emperor from April to December 69 CE. Vitellius was the third of the four emperors who ruled the Roman Empire in the year 69 CE. One of his predecessors, Galba, who had replaced the fallen Emperor Nero, was murdered by the Praetorian Guard for failing to keep promises to those who had put him in power. Emperor Otho, Galba's successor, committed suicide before the imposing a... #RomanEmperor #Vitellius #YearoftheFourEmperors #History
#History #yearofthefouremperors #vitellius #romanemperor
Have you heard? A new #RomanEmperor has been discovered! Previously thought to be fake, #Sponsian is now thought to have ruled over #Dacia when the province became isolated from the rest of the Empire! What do you think of him?
#Dacia #sponsian #romanemperor
Hmmm, it seems that the #RomanEmperor #Sponsianus that I told you about last week didn't exist, and his coins are 18th-century forgeries after all. The research that declared them genuine was sloppy, and proved nothing.
So scrap Sponsianus off of your list of Roman Emperors. Fake news.
Pity, it was a good story. And some 3rd-century Emperors *are* only known by their coins, so it was not inherently unbelievable.
Love a bit of archeological news -- especially containing a mystery.
Gold coin proves 'fake' Roman emperor was real
#gold #coin #MissingEmperor #RomanEmperor #Sponsian #mystery #archeology
#archeology #mystery #sponsian #romanemperor #missingemperor #coin #gold
Lost Roman emperor long thought to be fake was real leader in time of chaos
Researchers analyzed a set of coins found in 1713 considered by many experts to be fake, finding that they were authentic artifacts from Roman times.
#lostromanemperor #sponsian #timeofchaos #fakecoin #fakecoinreal #romancoin #romanemperor #fakeromanemperorreal #1713hoard #artifacts #archeology