The term Science comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning “knowledge”. #History #Euclid #RomanEngineering #Science
#Science #romanengineering #euclid #History
The legacy of the ancient Romans – from both the time of the Roman Republic (509-27 BCE) and the time of the Roman Empire (27 BCE - 476 CE) – exerted a significant influence on succeeding cultures and is still felt around the world in the present day. #History #RomanArchitecture #RomanArmy #RomanEngineering
#romanengineering #romanarmy #romanarchitecture #History
Say what you want about #AncientRomans, they knew how to build with #Concrete -
#selfhealingconcrete #romanengineering #concrete #ancientromans
Ancient Roman concrete could self-heal thanks to “hot mixing” with quicklime - Enlarge / A new analysis of ancient Roman concrete samples from the Pri... - #forensicarchaeology #materialsscience #romanengineering #gaming&culture #romanconcrete #archaeology #chemistry #science
#science #chemistry #archaeology #romanconcrete #gaming #romanengineering #materialsscience #forensicarchaeology
Ars Technica: Ancient Roman concrete could self-heal thanks to “hot mixing” with quicklime #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #forensicarchaeology #materialsscience #Romanengineering #Gaming&Culture #Romanconcrete #Archaeology #chemistry #Science #science
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #forensicarchaeology #MaterialsScience #romanengineering #Gaming #romanconcrete #archaeology #chemistry #science