@Merzedotes If you enjoy #Romani music, I have a playlist on my YouTube channel you might like https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL77954DAEE722A285&si=NLmoy_unrDRs9BcV There’s another playlist on my channel called “Balkan Beats” that also has some of this style of music. No shortage of great music in the Canadian Maritimes, tho… I’m partial to Cape Breton Island fiddle.
New database: the #Romani genocide of #WW2 ~ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/29/arts/roma-database-holocaust.html?unlocked_article_code=oI-NChXOORFdT5Mwc5lutp-9nbwlEjtfx010BHwFP-dbJhvLmIkzTQLLMEKXOi6H7Gzy586mHsbp4g7te0dn1pNA5VBLnas_JPhCWdtTlyJKdF45x_Mgot4_R6IVOZV_jwoNwroZi-gk8Rl38oWAj7r6rLmO62tNl5ynd_F-qQentW5RA9c-4XFAmOCHV6elS8qRUTUzEYJpr5IhhAAMHiHDIMoR4N9_aoJ_7T-GdGZjQNuBoX4ryB-cle6_Qx9kv5EPYk3Y2PG5GwB6mfRVC_tNHnAM9f-Yc5M1bKxgrks6oQEYg5iHY1NTxXy2qsubYMgifn7UectNPOBy6F7X&smid=url-share
On line un mio articolo uscito qualche tempo fa su #PrismaMagazine, a proposito di una tecnica degli #agrimensori #romani che anticipa il metodo delle #coordinate nell'individuare punti nel piano.
"Le campagne matematiche dei Romani"
#coordinate #romani #agrimensori #prismamagazine
Launch: The Language of the Scottish Traveller: A Dictionary
6 Sep, University of Edinburgh – free
After many years in the making, Pauline Cairns Speitel’s The Language of the Scottish Traveller: A Dictionary will be going live, free & online
#Scottish #Scots #language #Travellers #Roma #Romani #Dictionary
#dictionary #romani #roma #travellers #language #scots #scottish
The more the merrier....
#romani #romanipeople #dikko #dikkomagazine #minority
Nervature 15 La nascita delle città https://radiowombat.net/nervature-15-la-nascita-delle-citta/ #agricoltura #urbanistica #Nervature #villaggio #newyork #romani #storia #città #cina
#agricoltura #urbanistica #Nervature #villaggio #newyork #romani #storia #città #cina
Parole migranti in italiano, di Jacopo Ferrari
Un glossario di 529 voci (migrantismi) provenienti da 32 lingue: #arabo, #cinese, #dari, #ebraico, #ewondo, #francese, #giapponese, #greco, #hausa, #hindi, #igbo, #inglese, #lingala, #malese, #mandingo, #persiano, #portoghese, #pulaar, #romanì, #rumeno, #russo, #sanscrito, #serbocroato, #somalo, #spagnolo, #swahili, #turco, #ucraino, #ungherese, #urdu e #wolof.
#arabo #cinese #dari #ebraico #ewondo #francese #giapponese #greco #Hausa #hindi #Igbo #inglese #Lingala #malese #mandingo #persiano #portoghese #pulaar #romani #rumeno #russo #sanscrito #serbocroato #somalo #spagnolo #swahili #turco #ucraino #ungherese #urdu #wolof
I have wondered about this for many years. #Romani #Racism
Zoltar “the great G*psy” #romani #gypsy #culture #representationmatters #zoltar #california #roma
#romani #racism #gypsy #culture #representationmatters #zoltar #california #Roma
Neil Gaiman is adapting Samuel Delany's Nova to a TV series apparently?
This is one of the very few American SF novels that has a major character who's Romani (Pontichos Provechi, the Mouse), so I really hope they will in fact hire a Romani actor to play him....
#TV #Nova #Delany #Prime #Series #Romani #Roma #ScienceFiction #SFF #NeilGaiman
#tv #nova #delany #prime #series #romani #roma #sciencefiction #sff #neilgaiman
Otto Pankok, 'Grieving Ringela' (1947)
#art #antifascist #antifascism #Sinti #Roma #gypsies #Romani #Holocaust #Porajmos #lithograph
#art #AntiFascist #AntiFascism #sinti #roma #gypsies #romani #holocaust #Porajmos #lithograph
#Romanit kohtaamaa #rasismi a huomioidaan liian vähän, vaikka se on jatkuvaa.
Onneksi somevaikuttaja #RoniTrue aka #RoniKultalehmus teki kokemuksestaan #AnnaK -raflassa julkisen.
"#Yhdenvertaisuusvaltuutettu n viestintäasiantuntija Mirka Mokko vahvistaa, että tapauksesta on tullut yhteydenotto. Se siirtyy seuraavaksi asiantuntijoiden arvioitavaksi.
#Romani en #syrjintä än liittyviä yhteydenottoja tulee säännöllisesti. Tämä ei ole yksittäistapaus valitettavasti.”
#romanit #rasismi #ronitrue #ronikultalehmus #annak #yhdenvertaisuusvaltuutettu #syrjinta #romani
As “Foretold” concludes, Paulina weaves some elements of traditional #Romani culture into her new independent lifestyle, which ruffles some feathers. Listen to episode 9 of #Foretold and follow wherever you get your podcasts. https://link.chtbl.com/ForetoldEP9?sid=Social #press
As “Foretold” concludes, Paulina weaves some elements of traditional #Romani culture into her new independent lifestyle, which ruffles some feathers. Listen to episode 9 of #Foretold and follow wherever you get your podcasts. https://link.chtbl.com/ForetoldEP9?sid=Social #press
Back in February I had a great eye opener conversation with Prof. Aidan McGarry about #Roma communities, contemporary social inequalities, and what we can do to reach out beyond the academy. The most recent podcast from our #Diversifying and #Decolonising the University
🔗 https://pca.st/jniebtns
#Decolonise #Decolonize #GRT #Romani
#roma #diversifying #decolonising #decolonise #decolonize #GRT #romani
Secret Indian Language of Europe? | History of the Romani language by a Romani person - YouTube
Abruzzoweb.it #Cronaca #MOSAICI #ROMANI #Teramo #TERAMP TERAMO: SCOPERTI MOSAICI ROMANI SOTTO VIA SANT’ANTONIO, NEL CUORE DEL CENTRO STORICO https://abruzzoweb.it/teramo-scoperti-mosaici-romani-sotto-via-santantonio-nel-cuore-del-centro-storico/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#cronaca #mosaici #romani #teramo #teramp
Why did Romani people leave India? | Romani history by a Romani person - YouTube
Part 1:
A #Roseto una delle scuole più moderne d’#Italia, riqualificazione della #“Romani” grazie ai fondi #Pnrr
#Roseto degli Abruzzi. “Il sogno sta prendendo forma e siamo molto felici del fatto che #Roseto degli Abruzzi potrà avere, in tempi brevi, una delle 30 scuole più moderne ed efficienti d’#Italia, una struttura che, a differenza di come sta adesso, sarà completamente antisismica”. E’ quanto hanno dichiarato il #SindacodiRoseto degli […]
L'articolo A #Roseto una delle scuole più moderne d’#Italia, riqualificazione della #“Romani” grazie ai fondi #Pnrr sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
In #Roseto one of the most modern schools in #Italy, redevelopment of '#Romani' thanks to #Pnrr funds
#Roseto degli Abruzzi. "The dream is taking shape and we are very happy that #Roseto degli Abruzzi will soon be able to have one of the 30 most modern and efficient schools in #Italy, a structure that, unlike the way it is now, will be completely earthquake-proof". This was stated by the Mayor of #Roseto degli Abruzzi [...].
The article In #Roseto one of the most modern schools in #Italy, redevelopment of #the"#Romani" thanks to #Pnrr funds seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
30-4-2023 11:29 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/a-roseto-una-delle-scuole-piu-moderne-ditalia-riqualificazione-della-romani-grazie-ai-fondi-pnrr/
#roseto #italia #pnrr #sindacodiroseto #abruzzolive #italy #romani #the #first