Felix Lupercalia!
…is probably not what anyone in ancient Rome would’ve said at this time of year!
But I wish you a Happy #Lupercalia all the same!
You may have heard the term bandied around a bit the last couple of days, or at this time of year previously. So here’s a quick primer on Lupercalia if you’re not familiar. 👇🐺
#lupercalia #felixlupercalia #rome #romanpaganism #notanacademic #orareconstructionist
I have always loved this sculpture. It represents Janus, Roman god of gates, doorways, beginnings, and endings, and Bellona, Roman goddess of war. It was made by Johann Wilhelm Beyer, 1773-80 CE, and you can find it in the Schönbrunn Garden, Vienna.
#Janus #Bellona #AncientRome #GrecoRomanCulture #GrecoRomanMythology #RomanPaganism
#janus #bellona #ancientrome #grecoromanculture #grecoromanmythology #romanpaganism
Do you have questions about Reconstructivist Roman Paganism? Dr Angela Puca is putting your questions to academic expert Marco Castagnetto in a LiveStream on Friday evening UK time. Check the link for your time zone and set the notification bell.
#RomanPaganism #pagan #paganism #religion #Esotericsm #AncientRome #Rome #Italy
#romanpaganism #pagan #paganism #religion #esotericsm #ancientrome #rome #italy