Jacqueline Careyn Naamah's Kiss (kuvassa) on lähtenyt ekan 300 sivun aikana liikkeelle hyvin hitaasti ja toistaiseksi kiinnostavinta on ollut nähdä aiemmista trilogioista tuttu Terre d'Angen maa ulkopuolisen "viattoman metsäläisen" silmin. Mutta tähän on helppo uppoutua hetkeksi kuin vaahtokylpyyn illalla väsyneenä: jotain tuttua ja turvallista.
#JacquelineCarey #NaamahsKiss
#Romantasy #FantasyFiction #fantasiakirjallisuus
#kirjamasto #jacquelinecarey #naamahskiss #romantasy #fantasyfiction #fantasiakirjallisuus
I did a thing where I talked about my writing. It may or may not be of interest to people.
#books #bookstodon #Fantasy #FantasyRomance #Romantasy #FreeFiction
#books #bookstodon #fantasy #fantasyromance #romantasy #freefiction
Have you met Cathal and Flavian yet? Read their story now in The Artist’s Masquerade. #ThrowbackThursday #LGBTQBooks #FantasyRomance #Romantasy
#romantasy #fantasyromance #lgbtqbooks #throwbackthursday
#TeaserTuesday from To Love the Dragon King (available now!!). #FantasyRomance #Romantasy #LGBTQBooks http://www.antoniaaquilante.com/to-love-the-dragon-king.html
#lgbtqbooks #romantasy #fantasyromance #teasertuesday
A Queen of Thieves & Chaos by K.A. Tucker is releasing September 5, 2023!
Pre-order your copy today!
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/3ZtVYCr
#katucker #aqueenofthievesandchaos #fateandflame #romantasy #romancefantasy #FantasyRomance #Redemption #SecretRomance #EnemiestoLovers #bookish #booklover #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #booklover #bookish #enemiestolovers #secretromance #redemption #fantasyromance #romancefantasy #romantasy #fateandflame #aqueenofthievesandchaos #katucker
A Queen of Thieves & Chaos by K.A. Tucker is releasing September 5, 2023!
Pre-order your copy today!
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/3ZtVYCr
#katucker #aqueenofthievesandchaos #fateandflame #romantasy #romancefantasy #FantasyRomance #Redemption #SecretRomance #EnemiestoLovers #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #enemiestolovers #secretromance #redemption #fantasyromance #romancefantasy #romantasy #fateandflame #aqueenofthievesandchaos #katucker
Im Juli haben wir uns bei #phantastischerMontag mit Dark Academia beschäftigt - und ich habe die Gelegenheit genutzt, meine #PortalFantasy Story vom Juni mit zwei weiteren Teilen zum Abschluss zu bringen ... Los geht die Kurzgeschichten-Trilogie hier:
(Und wenn ich so drüber nachdenke, könnte sich zwischen Porthea und Ilana auch eine Lovestory anbahnen ... ist ja dann vielleicht was für den #romantasy August ... mal schauen.)
#phantastischermontag #PortalFantasy #romantasy
Venga que aquí sé que hay mucha gente como yo, loquita por la fantasía y hasta el romantasy! y sobre todo por la lectura en general. Necesito que me recomendéis libritos como he dicho de preferencia fantástica o novela histórica. Estoy en crisis de ansiedad y necesito ocupar la mente. Para que os hagáis una idea, en dos días me he fundido la trilogía de El Reino de los Malditos de Kerry Maniscalco. A ese nivel estoy.
#Bookstodon #Recomendaciones #Fantasy #Romantasy #novelahistórica #ansiedad
#bookstodon #recomendaciones #fantasy #romantasy #novelahistorica #ansiedad
It's #CoverReveal day!!! I've been sitting on this cover for way too long, so I'm going to give it a bit of a party today. 😂 Hopefully the graphic works. Check my profile for blurb and the pre-order link. ❤️
#WritingCommunity #AmWriting #FantasyRomance #romantasy #SlowBurn #ForcedProximity #pirates #BiblicallyAccurateAngels #angels #FoundFamily
#foundfamily #angels #BiblicallyAccurateAngels #pirates #forcedproximity #slowburn #romantasy #fantasyromance #amwriting #writingcommunity #coverreveal
Der Roman »Schattenthron – Erbin der Dunkelheit«, den die Autorin Beril Kehribar verfasste, ist ein echter Fantasy-Bestseller.
Ich versuchte, ihn zu lesen, scheiterte aber daran und schrieb in meinem Blog darüber:
#fantasy #romantasy #Rezension
There are difficult choices ahead for Sorrel in chapter 12 of Plum Pie Magic! :D
Find Sorrel's story at http://tinyurl.com/PlumPieMagic ! Free to play for a limited time!
#InteractiveFiction #VisualNovel #InteractiveNovel #IF #Storyloom #WritingCommunity #romantasy #RomCom #LGBTQ
#interactivefiction #visualnovel #interactivenovel #if #storyloom #writingcommunity #romantasy #romcom #lgbtq
In my new interview with author L.R. Lam about her epic fantasy / high fantasy / romantasy novel "Dragonfall," she explains how it's not just about that hot human-on-dragon action.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
#LRLam #LRLamInterview #LRLamDragonfall #LRLamDragonfallInterview #LLRLamDragonScales #RLamDragonScalesTrilogy #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Fantasy #HighFantasy #EpicFantasy #Romance #Romantasy #FantasyBookSeries
#lrlam #lrlaminterview #lrlamdragonfall #lrlamdragonfallinterview #llrlamdragonscales #rlamdragonscalestrilogy #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #Fantasy #highfantasy #epicfantasy #romance #romantasy #fantasybookseries
I JUST saw a book blogger call fantasy-romance "romantasy," and not only am I here for it, I can't begin to fathom why it isn't the exclusive name for the genre by now.
#Romantasy #FantasyRomance #WritingCommunity #writing #WritingTips #WritingLife #writers #WritersLife #AmWriting #books #bookstodon #AmReading
#amreading #bookstodon #books #amwriting #writerslife #writers #writinglife #writingtips #writing #writingcommunity #fantasyromance #romantasy
Every heart is meant to break.
The Emperor's Bone Palace by Hailey Turner is now live in audio!
Start listening now!
Audible: http://bit.ly/3Kq7Gbc
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3KPQehr
Narrated by: Gary Furlong
#haileyturner #theemperorsbonepalace #infernalwarsaga #steampunkromance #epicfantasy #epicfantasyromance #romantasy #romanticfantasy #queerfantasy #lgbtqfantasy #LGBTQIA #FantasyRomance #AdultRomance #Angsty #FFRomance #MMRomance #StarCrossedLovers #Steampunk #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #steampunk #starcrossedlovers #mmromance #ffromance #angsty #adultromance #fantasyromance #lgbtqia #lgbtqfantasy #queerfantasy #romanticfantasy #romantasy #epicfantasyromance #epicfantasy #steampunkromance #infernalwarsaga #theemperorsbonepalace #haileyturner
Sooooo pretty
RT @AOwenBooks
Ah! Look what came in the mail for me.
Isn't it beautiful?!?!
The Stolen Throne will be available May 2nd!
#unboxing #preorder #yafantasy #nafantasy #fantasyromance #romanticfantasy #romantasy
#romantasy #romanticfantasy #fantasyromance #nafantasy #yafantasy #preorder #unboxing
I said what I said!
#amwriting #amwritingromance
#amquerying #amwritingfantasyromance #romantasy #romancewriters #romancewritersofmastedon #writingcommunity #writersofmastedon
#amwriting #amwritingromance #amquerying #amwritingfantasyromance #romantasy #romancewriters #romancewritersofmastedon #writingcommunity #writersofmastedon
Romance-Bücher-Guide https://blog.tolino-media.de/2023/02/romance-buecher-guide/ #Selfpublishing #Bücher-Guide #tolinomedia #Romantasy #Romance #News
#selfpublishing #bucher #tolinomedia #romantasy #romance #news
Busted through 10K written!!!
#amwriting #amwritingromance #amwritingfantasyromance #romantasy #romancewriters #romancewritersmastedon #writingcommunity
#amwriting #amwritingromance #amwritingfantasyromance #romantasy #romancewriters #romancewritersmastedon #writingcommunity
Ich teile hier mal eine Szene, die ich für eine kleine Schreibchallenge (#Schreibpride) auf Instagram geschrieben habe. Ich musste dafür die Worte Krächzen, Lavendeltürkranz und Blechdosendeckel einbauen xD
Habe es gleich dafür genutzt, eine weitere Testszene für mein aktuelles Schreibprojekt zu schreiben. Viel Spaß! :D
(1) in den Antworten könnt ihr sie lesen #fantasy #romantasy #lesen
#schreibpride #fantasy #romantasy #lesen
Surprise! Shadow of Spring is on sale through the 31st! You can grab book 2 of the Wild Haven series for only 99 cents! (This is U.S. only, sorry!!)
Grab it here: https://www.amazon.com/Shadow-Spring-Wild-Haven-Book-ebook/dp/B09KMCGGJW #bookish #bookrecs #romantasy #fantasyromance #fae
#bookish #bookrecs #romantasy #fantasyromance #fae