On June 21, 1974, Deep End debuted in Belgium. Here’s a sketch of Jane Asher!
#DeepEnd #JerzySkolimowski #JaneAsher #SexploitationFilm #ComingOfAgeDrama #PsychologicalThriller #TeenDrama #RomanticDrama #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#deepend #jerzyskolimowski #janeasher #sexploitationfilm #comingofagedrama #psychologicalthriller #teendrama #romanticdrama #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 2, 1966, Wild Seed debuted in Mexico. Here’s some original fan art!
#WildSeed #BrianGHutton #MichaelParks #CeliaKaye #RomanticDrama#60sMovies #DramaFilm #DramaMovies #RoadMovie #DriveInMovies #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#wildseed #brianghutton #michaelparks #celiakaye #romanticdrama #dramafilm #dramamovies #roadmovie #driveinmovies #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On May 26, 1993, The Misfits was screened at the Adelaide Film Festival. Here’s some Marilyn Monroe art!
#TheMisfits #ArthurMiller #MarilynMonroe #RevisionistWestern #RomanticDrama #NeoWestern #ClassicFilm #FanArt #TrashArt #Movies #MovieArt #Art #MovieHistory
#themisfits #arthurmiller #marilynmonroe #revisionistwestern #romanticdrama #neowestern #classicfilm #FanArt #trashart #movies #movieart #art #moviehistory
On May 24, 1996, Leaving Las Vegas debuted in Norway. Here’s some Nicolas Cage art!
#LeavingLasVegas #MikeFiggis #NicolasCage #JimOBrien #DramaFilm #IndieFilm #LasVegas #RomanticDrama #PenDrawing #Art #IndependentFilm #1990s #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#leavinglasvegas #mikefiggis #nicolascage #jimobrien #dramafilm #indiefilm #lasvegas #romanticdrama #pendrawing #art #independentfilm #1990s #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On April 19, 1961, The Misfits debuted in France. Here’s some Marilyn Monroe art!
#TheMisfits #ArthurMiller #MarilynMonroe #RevisionistWestern #RomanticDrama #NeoWestern #ClassicFilm #FanArt #TrashArt #Movies #MovieArt #Art #MovieHistory
#themisfits #arthurmiller #marilynmonroe #revisionistwestern #romanticdrama #neowestern #classicfilm #FanArt #trashart #movies #movieart #art #moviehistory
On April 18, 1958, Crazed Fruit debuted in West Germany. Here’s some punk patch fan art inspired by this film and The Circle Jerks!
#CrazedFruit #PunkPatch #CircleJerks #KuruttaKajitsu #KoNakahira #ShintaroIshihara #MasahikoTsugawa #YujiroIshihara #MieKitahara #SunTribeFilm #DramaFilm #JapaneseFilm #RomanticDrama #Nikkatsu #SunTribe #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#crazedfruit #punkpatch #circlejerks #kuruttakajitsu #konakahira #shintaroishihara #masahikotsugawa #yujiroishihara #miekitahara #suntribefilm #dramafilm #japanesefilm #romanticdrama #nikkatsu #suntribe #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On April 18, 1958, Crazed Fruit debuted in West Germany. Here’s some punk patch fan art fan art inspired by this film and The Circle Jerks!
#CrazedFruit #PunkPatch #CircleJerks #KuruttaKajitsu #KoNakahira #ShintaroIshihara #MasahikoTsugawa #YujiroIshihara #MieKitahara #SunTribeFilm #DramaFilm #JapaneseFilm #RomanticDrama #Nikkatsu #SunTribe #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#crazedfruit #punkpatch #circlejerks #kuruttakajitsu #konakahira #shintaroishihara #masahikotsugawa #yujiroishihara #miekitahara #suntribefilm #dramafilm #japanesefilm #romanticdrama #nikkatsu #suntribe #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On February 28, 1996, Leaving Las Vegas debuted in Belgium. Here’s some Nicolas Cage art!
#LeavingLasVegas #MikeFiggis #NicolasCage #JimOBrien #DramaFilm #IndieFilm #LasVegas #RomanticDrama #PenDrawing #Art #IndependentFilm #1990s #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#leavinglasvegas #mikefiggis #nicolascage #jimobrien #dramafilm #indiefilm #lasvegas #romanticdrama #pendrawing #art #independentfilm #1990s #popart #movieart #moviehistory
Review of #EmpireOfLight (2022) at #CampbeltownPictureHouse.
Superb film about a middle-aged woman (#OlviaColman) who works at a seaside cinema, holding together a spiritless 'normal' life through medication. This changes when a young Black man (#MichealWard) joins the staff. Their relationship is set against the backdrop of early 1980s racial violence.
The other main actor is the magnificent #ArtDeco cinema, with its own redemptive power.
#campbeltownpicturehouse #olviacolman #michealward #artdeco #FilmMastodon #romanticdrama #empireoflight
Today in rom-com / coming-of-age film history: on December 19, 1979 Roller Boogie debuted in New York City. Here's a drawing of Linda Blair to mark the occasion!
#RollerBoogie #MarkLLester #LindaBlair #Rollerskating #1970s #1970sMovies #Art #FanArt #RomanticDrama #RomCom #ExploitationFilm #GenreFilms #Drawing #PenSketch #MastoArt
#rollerboogie #markllester #lindablair #rollerskating #1970s #1970smovies #art #FanArt #romanticdrama #romcom #exploitationfilm #genrefilms #drawing #pensketch #MastoArt
On December 9, 1966 The Man with the Golden Arm debuted in East Germany. Here's some original Frank Sinatra art inspired by the film!
#TheManWithTheGoldenArm #OttoPreminger #FrankSinatra #RomanticDrama #FilmNoir #ClassicFilm #1950s #Art #Drawing #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory #FilmMastodon #EastGermany
#themanwiththegoldenarm #ottopreminger #franksinatra #romanticdrama #filmnoir #classicfilm #1950s #art #drawing #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory #FilmMastodon #eastgermany
Today in romantic drama film history: on December 8, 1984 Pipe Dreams debuted on East German television. Here's a portrait of Gladys Knight inspired by the cult classic!
#PipeDreams #GladysKnight #RomanticDrama #1970sMovies #FanArt #Drawing #TCMUnderground #CultMovies #EastGermany #MastoArt
#pipedreams #GladysKnight #romanticdrama #1970smovies #FanArt #drawing #tcmunderground #cultmovies #eastgermany #MastoArt
Casablanca is starting now on Turner Classic Movies in case anybody's interested! (Dec. 6, 10:15 PM EST) Drew a new portrait of Humphrey Bogart to mark the occasion!
#TCMParty #Casablanca #HumphreyBogart #ClassicFilm #RomanticDrama #Art #MovieArt #NewArt #Cinemastodon #FilmMastodon #MastoArt #Movies #MovieArt
#TCMParty #casablanca #humphreybogart #classicfilm #romanticdrama #art #movieart #newart #cinemastodon #FilmMastodon #MastoArt #movies
Excited and nervous all at once. Promoting Being Ines to the MS Society. Humanising MS 🧡 Being Ines by Eva Lauder: A compelling read about friendship, love, betrayal and life changing decisions forged by the intricacies of the diagnosis of an incurable condition. #multiplesclerosis #multiplesclerosisawareness #multiplesclerosiswarrior #contemporaryromance #romanticdrama #bookstagram #bookcommunity #booklover #bookclub #writing
#multiplesclerosis #multiplesclerosisawareness #multiplesclerosiswarrior #contemporaryromance #romanticdrama #bookstagram #bookcommunity #booklover #bookclub #writing