RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
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4.14 — "...and you are about the marry the hunk! So, tell me, what qualities do you find attractive in him?" [Interview question 7 and .]

Mated for life was the proper term, which discounted the political reasons for doing something rarely done and ideally so self-restricting, and hunks was plural not singular, but quibbles. I'd been attracted to both guys, the supposedly do-nothing diplomat related to Rainy Days and [spoilers]. For one, both proved to be extraordinary... but for entirely different reasons. Trainability is important!

Cliftown sang, "You're blush-ing!"

I touched the back of a hand to a cheek to hide my dismay. Indeed, warm. There were things I wouldn't share publicly. I could share the reasons, though.

I looked into the floating lens and said, "Confidence. Knowing what they are about, and knowing when they don't—and being willing to learn. I like that." It's what I'm pretending to be like every second I'm dealing with people. "And there's the knowing how to treat a woman. It's how she wants to be treated."

"What about that fist fight—"

"You mean the picture in broadsheets?" I chuckled, grinning. "I'd pretended to be someone I wasn't and he thought I was entrapping him, and," I scratched the nape of my neck, "I did try to trip him. Failed. I did learn that he's as good a fighter as I am, but with a longer reach. I think we started admiring each other after that."

Cliftown shook her head—our bloody noses. My torn ear. She obviously didn't understand physical sentimentality.

I added, "But once we got the preliminaries out of the way, each had a way of treating me that I liked. Listening, for one. Opening up about the pain in their past, and the good things. Hugs are good. Just being around... him, I learned I had the capacity to love, and that I could trust I was loved back."

"Each?" Cliftown asked. Um. Yep. I'd slipped. Wasn't going to answer that I found it especially attractive that the guys decided they could be buddies. Wasn't saying that aloud!

"Next question," I returned, blushing again.

[Author retains copyright.]

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Last updated 2 years ago