The Social War (also called the Marsi War or the War of the Allies) of 91-87 BCE was the result of decades of contention between Rome and its Italian allies. #History #RomanGovernment #RomanRepublic #RomanWarfare
#romanwarfare #romanrepublic #romangovernment #History
Attila the Hun (r. #History #AttilatheHun #Huns #RomanWarfare
#romanwarfare #huns #attilathehun #History
RECOTechnology is a small game-developer studio based in Madrid, Spain. #History #IberianPeninsula #Numantia #RomanWarfare
#romanwarfare #numantia #IberianPeninsula #History
The Social War (also called the Marsi War and well as the War of the Allies) of 91-87 BCE was the result of decades of contention between Rome and its Italian allies. Roman warfare relied heavily on the Italian allies (socii ), but the Roman Republic did not grant them citizenship. The main cause of the Social War was this inequality in status. #history #SocialWar #RomanWarfare #RomanRepublic
#romanrepublic #romanwarfare #socialwar #History