The #ACA was an technocrat's iron-clad dream policy. It would work! After all, it "aligned the incentives" of healthcare investors and "harnessed markets" to drive efficiency. No one could accuse this policy - which was copypasted from former Michigan governor #MittRomney's #RomneyCare - of being "socialist." It was invented by a #BainCapital consultant!
#aca #mittromney #romneycare #baincapital
And I hope someone does.
We're lost and there's no hope for humanity anymore.
Humans are an evil bacteria infesting this planet and should go extinct as soon as possible.
#EvilHumans #GOP #Power #Money #Economy #Murder #Hope #Politics #ERA #Education #Government #Schools #Guns #NRA #MJT #Trump #DeSantis #Santos #ClarenceThomas #SupremeCourt #Brexit #Healthcare #Medicare #Medicaid #AMA #Obamacare #Romneycare #Abortion #AbortionRights
#AbortionRights #abortion #romneycare #obamacare #ama #medicaid #medicare #Healthcare #Brexit #SupremeCourt #clarencethomas #Santos #desantis #Trump #MJT #nra #guns #Schools #Government #Education #era #Politics #hope #murder #Economy #Money #power #gop #evilhumans