Kotaku: Brilliant Mash-Up Puts Ron Swanson In Half-Life 2 https://kotaku.com/ron-swanson-half-life-2-europe-parks-and-rec-mash-up-1850789491?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #parksandrecreation #residentevil4 #wallacebreen #michaelscott #nickofferman #leslieknope #ronswanson #halflife2 #theoffice #halflife #johnwick #swanson #russel #alyx #ron
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #parksandrecreation #residentevil4 #wallacebreen #michaelscott #nickofferman #leslieknope #ronswanson #halflife2 #theoffice #halflife #johnwick #swanson #russel #alyx #ron
¿No se merecen las canciones que lo petan en las playas, chiringuitos y piscinas un reconocimiento? Por y para ellos, #Ron #Barceló organiza el próximo 21 de septiembre ‘El After del #Verano, un evento experiencial en el que 500 personas celebrarán la mayor fiesta... https://www.periodistadigital.com/elbuenvivir/20230829/para-aquellos-a-los-que-el-verano-les-sabe-a-poco-ron-barcelo-presenta-el-after-del-verano-689404930738/
How Ron DeSantis Let Billionaires Destroy Florida
#Florida #Governor and U.S. presidential #candidate #Ron #DeSantis has raked in #millions of #dollars—and even a golf simulator—from wealthy #corporate #interests. At the same time, he’s #stripped #protections from #renters, let #insurance & #utility #companies #hike #rates, and #cut #taxes on the #wealthy. Jason Garcia exposes his real record.
#florida #governor #candidate #ron #desantis #millions #dollars #corporate #interests #stripped #protections #renters #insurance #utility #companies #hike #rates #cut #taxes #wealthy
#SHORTS - It’s good to see you too! #Hey #Ron
What's a better way of celebrating the new year with a big brown BLORT?
Art by https://twitter.com/xAmoNomAx on twitter
Original: https://twitter.com/xAmoNomAx/status/1609908681830801408
#skunk #ron #happy_new_year #diaper #messydiaper
From 07 Aug: Ron DeSantis Defends Florida’s New Guidelines Suggesting Slavery Benefited Black People - In a Sunday interview with NBC News, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis stood by a new provision in the state... https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/ron-desantis-defends-floridas-new-guidelines-suggesting-slavery-benefited-black-people/ #education #far-right #politics #race-and-ethnicity #republicans #ron-desantis
#ron #republicans #race #politics #far #education
From 06 Aug: Ron DeSantis Ups the ‘American Psycho’ Vibes, Promises To Start ‘Slitting Throats’ - So yeah, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is still running for president. Every morning I wake up with... https://www.themarysue.com/ron-desantis-ups-the-american-psycho-vibes-promises-to-start-slitting-throats/ #2024-presidential-election #republican-primary #ron-desantis
"One of the times, when they were torturing me, #Ron #DeSantis was behind watching, wearing sunglasses, military uniform, looking at me like this with the medical team, with the nutrition team. I was vomiting, because when you go on hunger strike, your stomach becomes really small. He was like talking, and smiling and laughing while I was screaming and yelling, crying, blood coming out."
Black Fraternity Moves Florida Convention in response to #Ron DeSantis #whitenationalism and #Whitesupremacy
#boycottFlorida https://www.huffpost.com/entry/black-fraternity-moves-florida-convention-because-ron-desantis_n_64c2c076e4b03d9b515a43ce
Good for them. #BlackMastodon
#BlackMastodon #BoycottFlorida #whitesupremacy #whitenationalism #ron
Pro putin, mulitmillionaire senator #Ron Johnson decides to use campaign donations (whidh he said he wouldn't) to "repay" himself. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2023/07/17/ron-johnson-pockets-400000-from-donors-to-repay-old-campaign-loans/70421461007/
กว่าจะผ่านด่าน 16
###My Deck
#Echo: Severus Snape
#Mode: Default
#Atmospheric Charm
#Baby Antipodean Opaleye
#Cassandra Vole
#Ivy Warrington
#Ron Weasley
#Secrets of the Forest
# Copy the code and enter the Spellbook interface to use the Deck.
#my #echo #mode #niffler #nebulus #thunderbird #atmospheric #incendio #baby #sectumsempra #confringo #cassandra #ivy #ron #secrets
Just in time for her appointment with Dr. Kim, it's good that her mother taught her everything she needed to care for her patients.
#kimpossible #ron
This is my fan child with #Ronweasley his name is Pagan (Paige) Weasley.
#harrypotter #weasley #weasly #ron #fanchild #fankid
I forgot the freckles...
#ronweasley #harrypotter #weasley #weasly #ron #fanchild #fankid
In the past 50 or so years manners have gone right out the window. It is quite important to ensure that manners are not a choice for filthy skunks, but a undeniable fact. Restricting such awful untamed pleasures really does create such a good, mindless, shiny, mascot butler!
Art and description by https://twitter.com/Acrasials_Art (Too good not to use!)
Original: https://twitter.com/Acrasials_Art/status/1619756986450726912
#Ron #skunk #lion #rubber #mascot #suit #butler #hypnosis #manta
#ron #skunk #lion #rubber #mascot #suit #butler #hypnosis #manta
I was just minding my business one day, when ,out of no where, a pokeball gets thrown at me! Rubber liquid covered me and encased me in a mightyena suit!
"Don't worry, I'll make sure this is FUN for the both of us!"
Help me....
Art by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/furious~foxy/
#nsfw #Ron #Luis #skunk #mightyena #rubber #living_rubber #rubber_suit #symbiote #bulge
#nsfw #ron #luis #skunk #mightyena #rubber #living_rubber #rubber_suit #symbiote #bulge
From 10 Jun: Transformers Con in Florida Warns Attendees of Anti-Trans State Restrictions - If you’ve been following the news about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ reign of terror in the realm... https://www.themarysue.com/transformers-con-in-florida-warns-attendees-of-anti-trans-state-restrictions/ #anti-trans-bill #bathroom-bill #drag #florida #ron-desantis #transformers #transformers-convention #transgender
#transgender #transformers #ron #florida #drag #bathroom #anti
From 06 Jun: “Put Up or Shut Up”: A Federal Judge Tore Into Florida’s Ban on Gender-Affirming Care for Minors - A federal judge in Florida told politicians and backers of a new law rolling back gender-affirming c... https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/06/put-up-shut-up-florida-transgender-gender-affirming-care-minors-judge-injunction-ron-desantis/ #lgbtq-issues #politics #ron-desantis
Engineering Explained - Why Does Ethanol Make So Much Power? (Versus Gasoline):
#Ethanol #E85 #E100 #Biofuel #AlternativeFuel #FuelEconomy #ThermalEfficiency #AirFuelRatio #CompressionRatio #EngineKnock #HeatOfVaporization #HOV #EnergyDensity #Energy #Octane #RON #BrakeMeanEffectivePressure #BMEP #Physics #AutomotiveEngineering #Automotive
#ethanol #E85 #E100 #biofuel #AlternativeFuel #FuelEconomy #ThermalEfficiency #AirFuelRatio #CompressionRatio #EngineKnock #HeatOfVaporization #HOV #energydensity #energy #Octane #ron #BrakeMeanEffectivePressure #BMEP #physics #AutomotiveEngineering #automotive
From 27 May: Ron DeSantis Faces Three New Lawsuits After Signing New Voter Suppression Bill - Hours before announcing his 2024 campaign for the presidency on Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis... https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/05/ron-desantis-faces-three-new-lawsuits-after-signing-new-voter-suppression-bill/ #politics #ron-desantis #voting-rights