#2sottoildivano di #ronaldneame #waltermatthau e #glendajackson tornano insieme per recitare in questa commedia, molto divertente tinta di spionaggio, in piena #guerrafredda Il capace e smaliziato agente operativo della CIA Max Kendings (un sornione, e “paravento” come sempre Matthau) chiude ottimamente un’operazione di controspionaggio a Monaco di Baviera durata due anni Tornato a Washington però il suo nuovo capo Myerson... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=5392 #mastocinema #mastofilm #cinema #film
#2sottoildivano #ronaldneame #waltermatthau #GlendaJackson #guerrafredda #mastocinema #mastofilm #cinema #film
67 years ago:
The Man Who Never Was (UK)
The true story of a British effort to trick the Germans into weakening Sicily's defenses before the 1943 attack. A dead soldier is dressed as a British officer and outfitted with faked papers showing that the Allies were intending to invade occupied Greece. His body is put into the sea where it will...
#TheManWhoNeverWas #RonaldNeame #CliftonWebb #GloriaGrahame #StephenBoyd #Film
#themanwhoneverwas #ronaldneame #cliftonwebb #gloriagrahame #stephenboyd #film
54 years ago:
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (UK)
A headstrong young teacher in a private school in 1930s Edinburgh ignores the curriculum and influences her impressionable 12 year old charges with her over-romanticized world view.
#ThePrimeofMissJeanBrodie #RonaldNeame #MaggieSmith #RobertStephens #PamelaFranklin #20thCenturyFox #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#theprimeofmissjeanbrodie #ronaldneame #maggiesmith #robertstephens #pamelafranklin #20thcenturyfox #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
#RIP #StellaStevens (1938–2023)
#Hollywood #actress at her peak in the 1960s, when, looking like a spicier #SandraDee, she was featured opposite #ElvisPresley in GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! (1962), #JerryLewis in #TheNuttyProfessor (1963), and #GlennFord in PAPA'S DELICATE CONDITION (1964).
She's best remembered, however, for falling to her death in #RonaldNeame's #blockbuster #ThePoseidonAdventure (1972).
And for giving #CarolLynley a rock-hard slap in that same #movie.
#glennford #elvispresley #Film #cinema #Movies #movie #carollynley #theposeidonadventure #BlockBuster #ronaldneame #thenuttyprofessor #jerrylewis #sandradee #actress #hollywood #stellastevens #RIP
I just watched The Card (Ronald Neame, 1952) and rated it 8/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Card_%281952_film%29?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastadon #TheCard #RonaldNeame #ArnoldBennett #AlecGuinness #ValerieHobson #GlynisJohns #PetulaClark
#petulaclark #glynisjohns #valeriehobson #AlecGuinness #arnoldbennett #ronaldneame #thecard #cinemastadon #cinema #films
Hayley #Mills perfettamente perfida, Deborah #Kerr sempre eccezionale. Che duo e che film!
#cinema #ilgiardinodigesso #deborahkerr #hayleymills #johnmills #ronaldneame
#mills #kerr #cinema #ilgiardinodigesso #deborahkerr #hayleymills #johnmills #ronaldneame