#POSTWrestling Podcast — The NWA Podcast: August 2023 | Edge’s WWE Legacy: https://www.youtube.com/live/qoeF1pPYHbE?feature=share
#WomensWrestling Talk Podcast - WWT Presents -
a. #MultiverseUnited2 Post-Show | 8.20.23: https://www.youtube.com/live/Bo0p6aEbqd8?feature=share
b. WWT News - 8.21.23 (#RondaRousey's Possible #UFC Return): https://www.youtube.com/live/a5S-THiLN_g?feature=share
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#ufc #rondarousey #multiverseunited2 #womenswrestling #postwrestling
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (8.7.23) — #WWERaw Review, PLE records, #RondaRousey: https://www.youtube.com/live/L_QZM2tafn4?feature=share
#BustedOpen Podcast — What's Next for #CodyRhodes? | #LAKnight & #TheMiz: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/whats-next-for-cody-rhodes-la-knight-the-miz
#TalkIsJericho Podcast with #ChrisJericho — #ARFox - From Flier to Mogul: https://player.fm/series/talk-is-jericho-1901467/ar-fox-from-flier-to-mogul
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#arfox #chrisjericho #talkisjericho #themiz #laknight #codyrhodes #bustedopen #rondarousey #WWERaw #wrestlinginc
#RingofHonor #Wrestling (#ROH) - #ROHTV for July 6th, 2023 on #ROHHonorClub (subscription required): https://www.watchroh.com/
ST⭐️RDOM presents 6.18.2023 Shiodome on #StardomWorld #stardom (subscription required): https://www.stardom-world.com/set/4844
#PublicEnemies #Wrestling Podcast - #KevinNash Calls Out #LAKnight, #AEWDynamite & #AEWAllIn Update, #RondaRousey Leaving #WWE?: https://www.youtube.com/live/bJT7z_4ImRg?feature=share
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#wwe #rondarousey #aewallin #aewdynamite #laknight #kevinnash #publicenemies #Stardom #StardomWorld #rohhonorclub #rohtv #roh #wrestling #ringofhonor
Adam knew he might end up in trouble on a Stars On Mars mission, and that he needed to put some strategy into action. He nominated Ronda to be Commander and she had final say in who stayed. So he may have saved himself! Today’s TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8eGK7Gs/
You can also see Adam play the strategic game on Mars as a YouTube Short: https://youtube.com/shorts/c8pvoxgPKO0?feature=share
#StarsOnMars #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #Strategy #StrategyGames #StrategyGame #Celebrities #RondaRousey #AdamRippon
#adamrippon #rondarousey #celebrities #strategygame #strategygames #strategy #tvshow #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #starsonmars
Vanderpump Rules’ Tom Schwartz is seeing what everyone in Stars On Mars should’ve expected — alliances! Because any time there is a reality TV competition show, smart players will try to get an advantage! Today’s TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JBpK7n/
You can also see Tom Schwartz’s lightbulb moment about alliances as a YouTube Short if you prefer: https://youtube.com/shorts/pBtNQzhitkk?feature=share
#StarsOnMars #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #celebrities #TomSchwartz #MarshawnLynch #RichardSherman #RondaRousey
#rondarousey #richardsherman #marshawnlynch #tomschwartz #celebrities #tvshow #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #starsonmars
#LanceArmstrong, #NatashaLeggero, #MarshawnLynch, #ChristopherMintzPlasse, #AdamRippon, #RondaRousey, #TomSchwartz, #RichardSherman, #Tinashe, #PorshaWilliamsGuobadia, #TallulahWillis and #ArielWinter are the 12 celebs who will be competing on the new #FOXTV series #StarOnMars, hosted by #William Shatner. The series premieres Monday, June 5.
#lancearmstrong #natashaleggero #marshawnlynch #christophermintzplasse #adamrippon #rondarousey #tomschwartz #richardsherman #tinashe #porshawilliamsguobadia #tallulahwillis #arielwinter #foxtv #staronmars #william
Bird site post 9 Dec 22: I mean if I was pathetic enough to print this [anti-#RondaRousey shirt sign] out and take it to a show I’d at least spellcheck it before waving it…during a post show celebration for #KurtAngle with faces in the ring 🥴
I get the hate for her but WWE isn’t firing her so learn to seethe #SmackDown
#smackdown #kurtangle #rondarousey
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (12.6) - #WWENXT Review, #Naomi, #TheUsos: https://youtu.be/8jQFFKFPLfA
#WomensWrestling Talk Podcast - WWT Presents -
a. WWT News - 12.5.22 (#RondaRousey Speaks On Match w/ #Shotzi & Anoa'i Family Member Starts Training): https://youtu.be/_RfmfqVwmL4
b. Exclusive Interview with #TayaValkyrie: https://youtu.be/hq6NU2Vqe18
#BustedOpen Podcast - It's a New Day - For #NikkiBella: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/its-a-new-day-for-nikki-bella
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#nikkibella #bustedopen #tayavalkyrie #shotzi #rondarousey #womenswrestling #theusos #naomi #WWENXT #wrestlinginc
#ProfessionalWrestling is like cockfighting with rubber chickens, but don't tell that to the brain trust over at #ElonMusk's new #Twitter, where #WWE and #RondaRousey hold in their hands the fate of mankind. Apparently.
Note: Wrestling events and church services are still the go-to places for meeting the shitferbrains crowd, but their bios are easily accessed for screening at the #BirdSite.
#professionalwrestling #elonmusk #Twitter #wwe #rondarousey #birdsite
With both Ronda Rousey and Becky Lynch out of action, I think that Thunder Rosa is the best female wrestler on the planet right now.
#wrestling #prowrestling #professionalwrestling #wwe #wwf #worldwrestlingentertainment #worldwrestlingfederation #nwa #nwapowerrr #nationalwrestlingalliance #rondarousey #beckylynch #thunderrosa
#thunderrosa #beckylynch #rondarousey #nationalwrestlingalliance #nwapowerrr #nwa #worldwrestlingfederation #worldwrestlingentertainment #wwf #wwe #professionalwrestling #prowrestling #wrestling