Ron DeSantis has brought malaria back to #Florida. First detection in 20 years! Is there anything Ron can’t do?
#MakeMalariaGreatAgain #DeSantisKillsFlorida #RonDeSantisForNothing #VoteBlueIfYouWantToLive
Malaria is being reported in Florida. Everything you need to know from signs to prospects of a vaccine
#voteblueifyouwanttolive #rondesantisfornothing #desantiskillsflorida #makemalariagreatagain #Florida
From @TheUSASingers
Casey DeSantis is like a female Donald Trump. Between her and Ron, they make a full Trump.
#RonDeSantisForNothing #NeverRonDeSantis #DoneSantis #DeSaster
#desaster #donesantis #neverrondesantis #rondesantisfornothing
😂 😂 😂 #RonDeSantisForNothing #DoneDeSantis #GOP #Fascism
People Who Worked For Him Really Seem To Hate Ron DeSantis
#Fascism #gop #donedesantis #rondesantisfornothing