There was a really dumb #debate #AsaHutchinson #MikeConley #ChrisChristie #RonDeSatan #VivekRamaswamy is a .#techbro imbecile #NikkiHaley hates women #TimScott sild his soul and the governor of #NorthDakota limped in to say nothing.
#debate #asahutchinson #mikeconley #chrischristie #rondesatan #vivekramaswamy #techbro #nikkihaley #timscott #northdakota
During last night's #republicandebate, #rondesatan claimed that he met a woman named Penny who, as an infant, survived "several" unsuccessful abortions, and even then only because her grandmother recovered her from a biohazard waste bin and took her to a hospital to be resuscitated.
#desantis may have actually been making an oblique reference to his own "Presidential" campaign. 😄
#republicandebate #rondesatan #desantis #desantisfornothing2024
Dear #RonDeSatan: U can fire EVERYONE for that matter, won't change fact that you're a fascist-- & not even a cult inspiring one....just a wet noodle, antagonistic, no personality, wanna-be Hitler--NO social skills or presence at all.....remember all the shenanigans that got you "elected" in 2018.....BS. Gillum won--& u pulled an op on him to make sure he cld never challenge u again...& you're still REAL pissed that a black man legitimately beat your punk ass, aren't u? FU RON
School board president destroys homophobic protesters #lgbqtia #antigay #antigaybill #rondesatan #schools #justice4lgbqt
#lgbqtia #antigay #antigaybill #rondesatan #schools #justice4lgbqt
Well who’s #dumb idea is it to #outlaw Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (#DEI ) from higher education when the former Republican President George Sr passed the landmark law Americans with Disabilities Act (#ADA ) of 1990?
Oh yea, #dummy #RonDeSantis who graduated from top tier universities such as #Harvard and #Yale who claims to have passed the #FloridaBar! America, this is what #TopTierEducation gets you!
With all the education, training and accreditation he’s got the gall to suppress #black voices in #history, ban the Critical Race Theory (#CRT ) because he thinks teaching #intolerance and #history is morally #Woke, has a #vendetta against #LGBTQIA+ folxs and #women’s health care decisions treating a broad spectrum of population as #SecondClassCitizens?
All of these issues are #nonissues that didn’t need #discriminatory action! All of these issues has to do with history, education and personal choices that he is personally #offended because he claims to be a #RomanCatholic upholding draconian #SouthernBaptistChurch principles on Floridians and soon on America!
There are far greater issues that #America has on its hands and quite frankly Florida is NOT representative of the #whole country! With all the said, I rest my case that #RonDesatan is a #terrible choice of a #politician all around. It’s time to #dismiss this #clown to the Southern Baptist Church where they’ll happily take his #credo.
#dumb #outlaw #dei #ada #dummy #rondesantis #harvard #yale #floridabar #toptiereducation #black #history #crt #intolerance #woke #vendetta #lgbtqia #women #secondclasscitizens #nonissues #discriminatory #offended #romancatholic #southernbaptistchurch #america #whole #rondesatan #Terrible #politician #Dismiss #clown #credo
@erininthemorn Literally the only thing #RonDesatan understands is money #CashMoney, time to starve his state of tourism dollars.
I sure hope #California Governor #GavinNewsom holds those responsible for this political stunt accountable! Using human beings trying to escape persecution and even death as pawns, is total bullshit!!
Just like #GregAbbott sending immigrants to #MarthasVineyard and #Chicago #RonDeSantis needs to atone for these heinous acts against humanity!
#rondesatan #Florida #immigrationreform #rondesantis #Chicago #marthasvineyard #gregabbott #gavinnewsom #California
Their last name was changed from DeSatan to DeSantis on Ellis Island. #RonDeSatan
Just because I can I'm starting the day sharing some good. Enjoy, boost and follow.
And have a great day. If you are in Florida, my #KangaroosOfMastodon have indicated they are doing their version of thinking and praying for you. And always remember #RonDesatan has a punchable face.
#kangaroosofmastodon #rondesatan
#twitter #elon #musk #elonmusk #elondesantis #rondesantis #rondesantis2024 #twittersucks #florida #downwithdesantis #govdesantis #burmashave #burmagram #gop #magats #fuckthegop #rondesatan #defascist #voteblue #votebluetosaveamerica
#votebluetosaveamerica #VoteBlue #defascist #rondesatan #fuckthegop #magats #gop #burmagram #burmashave #govdesantis #downwithdesantis #Florida #twittersucks #rondesantis2024 #rondesantis #elondesantis #ElonMusk #Musk #elon #Twitter Interesting reading… Ron DeSantis on his view of history…wow… #desantis #RonDeSatan
Radicalized Pod went on air last night because peaceful protesters holding hands and singing were arrested in Tallahassee last night. The head of the Democratic party in FL, Nikki Fried and Fl state representatives were arrested for protesting DeSatan’s new 6 week abortion.
#floridafascism #RonDesatan
#Disney just out smarted #RonDeSatan big time.
Ron DeSantis is too short to be president, since the majority have been 5'11" or taller. But he obviously has a Napoleon Complex. #RonDeSatan #RonDeSantis #LittleMan
#rondesatan #rondesantis #littleman
Ron DeSatan is a fuckin nazi.
He create a boogeyman, called woke mob. Using it to scapegoat people of color, LGBTQ, the immigrants. He's banning books with differing points of view. He's attempting to take over the schools, and tell them what they can and can't teach. He's trying to ban anything that is non-white culture. He locks up people of color who try to vote, and makes it harder for them to vote. Only cishet Aryan males will have full rights in Ron Desatan's Murica. And that's just where it starts. Zeig heil!
And this motherfucker is likely going to run for president. America is 1931 Germany, and we need to change course real quick!
#rondesantis #rondesatan #nazi
#RonDeSatan has a penchant from banning reporters from Press Conferences and open meetings. He did it in his first term of Governor. #RonDeSatan is scared of reporters and people who don’t rubber stamp his authoritarian edicts.
#rondesatan is what #roalddahl would call an “enormous fat boy” trying to play an adult
He’s a contender for further division
Ron DeSantis, potential GOP standard-bearer, sounds out of his depth
Everything about Ron DeSantis screams “Fraud!”
#NeverDeSantis #RonDeSatan #DeSantis #GOPCriminals #GOPFailedAmerica
#gopfailedamerica #GOPCriminals #desantis #rondesatan #NeverDeSantis