TheOnion: Republicans Urge Americans To Look Away From McConnell Or Else They Too Shall Freeze #republicanparty #mitchmcconnell #ronnamcdaniel #politics #mcdaniel #ronna #look
#republicanparty #mitchmcconnell #ronnamcdaniel #politics #mcdaniel #ronna #look
Gymmördaren misstänkt för bombdåd i Södertälje
I tisdags exploderade en bomb vid en lägenhetsdörr i Ronna i Södertälje. En person i 25-årsåldern skadades. Nu är två personer häktade som misstänkta för inblandning i dådet. En av dem är den tonåring, idag 17 år gammal,
#Brott #Sdertlje #Vld #Bomb #Hktade #Ronna #Sprngning
#sprngning #ronna #hktade #bomb #vld #sdertlje #brott
Who doesn't ship Wyatonna (Andrea Wyatt and Ronna) from The West Wing? #TheWestWing #westwing #aaronsorkin #AndreaWyatt #KathleenYork #Ronna #KarisCampbell
#thewestwing #westwing #aaronsorkin #andreawyatt #kathleenyork #ronna #kariscampbell
#Ronna McDaniel’s hair and makeup have cost GOP donors nearly $100,000
@johnfugelsang if by mock you mean despise, yes I mock #ronna #romney #mcdaniel every chance I get, she is a despicable human being, and yet I’m naive to wonder why she lies?
Here's how #Ronna McDaniel may have directly implicated #Trump in a #crime: MSNBC's Ari Melber
She's complicit, at least.
'Pretty devastating': Legal expert outlines 'smoking gun' phone call between Trump and #Ronna McDaniel
I think this is the tell for the #GOP's immediate future. Will Ronna become #Ronna Romney McDaniel again? If she's ousted next month, #Trump is done as a major player.
Den interna konflikten i Södertäljenätverket
Sommaren 2019 stormade Södertäljenätverkets kärna nattklubben F12. I samband med detta skrev polisen i en lägesbild om Södertäljenätverket att de bestod av ett hundratal individer och hade en monopolställning på Sö
#Brott #Södertälje #Våld #Blombacka #Fastighetsaffärer #Geneta #Internkonflikt #Lina #Mord #Ronna #Saltskog #Skjutningar #Södertäljanätverket
#sodertaljanatverket #skjutningar #saltskog #ronna #mord #lina #internkonflikt #geneta #fastighetsaffarer #blombacka #vald #sodertalje #brott
Deep Analysis: #Innovation Index 2022 #Study #DeepAnalysis #InformationManagement #AI #RPA #Trends #Award
2022 #Survey Report: #Content #Management #ContentManagement #ECM #CMS #CM
IW CONSULT #Cloud Studie 2022 #Study #Germany
SPARK Matrix #Content #Service #Platform 2022 #CSP #CSPs #ECM #ContentManagement
Quetta (Q) und Ronna (R) #Quetta #Ronna #QuettaByte #RonnaByte
#innovation #study #deepanalysis #informationmanagement #ai #rpa #trends #award #survey #content #management #contentmanagement #ecm #cms #cm #cloud #germany #service #platform #csp #csps #quetta #ronna #quettabyte #ronnabyte
MyFascist {tm) Mike Lindell, who was present for the meeting on 12/18/20 that led to the insurrection is going up against #Ronna #Romney (McDaniel) to lead the GOP.
Donald Trump has endorsed him.
I almost forgot I bought a while back. 🤔
In case 999 Yottabytes are not enough for you, you can now have 1000 Yottabytes and call that thing officially a Ronnabyte and if you take a thousand of those you have a Quettabyte:
Bienvenue au #quetta (et au #ronna).
The new decimal unit prefixes are out. The mass of the earth is 6 #Ronna gram aka 10^27 gram. The mass of an electron is 1 #Ronto gram. (Both number are approximate).
In German:
Neue Einheiten-Präfixe: Mit Quettabyte und Ronnagramm Großes zählen | heise online
"A further short history of the #SI #prefixes" by Richard J C Brown in Metrologia, musing about #naming conventions, the recently adopted 10^27 (#Ronna; R) and 10^30 (#Quetta; Q) - and the need to avoid obscenities in Portuguese with that one - as well as naming pressure exuded by popular #science #writing (and likely #sciencefiction ).
Interesting & entertaining #OpenAccess LttE.
#si #prefixes #naming #ronna #Quetta #science #writing #sciencefiction #openaccess
Big data?
The SI system is getting four new prefixes. Within the next decade or so we'll be generating around a yottabyte (10^24) of data annually, so the General Conference on Weights and Measures is introducing ronna (10^27) & quetta (10^30) on the big side and ronto (10^-27) and quecto (10^-30) on the small side.
#science #si #bignumbers #ronna #quetta #ronto #quecto
Let me introduce you to the new giants Ronna and Quetta and their indefinitesmal siblings Ronto and Quecto.
These are official new prefixes to the SI metric system.
Quetta: 10³⁰
Ronna: 10²⁷
Ronto: 10⁻²⁷
Quecto: 10⁻³⁰
For perspective: the earth has a mass of around 6 ronnagramm (6rg).
#science #metricsystem #Quetta #ronna #ronto #quecto