and yet here we are #Republicans #ronpaul
Robert Kennedy Jr and Ron Paul Agree America Doesn’t Have a Free Market - U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) and former U.S. Repres... - #americanofreemarket #robertf.kennedyjr. #ronpaulfreemarket #rfkjrfreemarket #freemarket #economics #ronpaul #rfkjr.
#rfkjr #ronpaul #economics #freemarket #rfkjrfreemarket #ronpaulfreemarket #robertf #americanofreemarket
Ron Paul is right again #july4th #ronpaul #Heroes
We lost a #Libertarian counter balance with the passing of Yuri. He was a friend of #MurrayRothbard, a friend of #RonPaul, and a proper #Misesian economist.
Yet Yuri was in a position to call bullshit on pundits in the Libertarian sphere (like #DanielMcAdams) who held up #Putin as an honest figure abused by our corrupt Elite grand strategists.
#Putinism is not an alternative, it is the kind of Elite Mafia system our Elites want to emulate.
A pox on all their houses.
#libertarian #murrayrothbard #ronpaul #misesian #DanielMcAdams #putin #putinism
Ron Paul Warns Fiscal Responsibility Act Will Erode US Dollar Value, Hasten Loss of Reserve Currency Status - Former U.S. Representative Ron Paul has warned that the Fiscal Responsibility Act,... - #reservecurrencystatus #ronpaulusdollar #ronpaulusd #economics #ronpaul
#ronpaul #economics #ronpaulusd #ronpaulusdollar #reservecurrencystatus
Ron Paul Denounces US Government ‘Deceptions’ on Inflation; Mentions Federal Reserve Involvement - Ron Paul, a former congressman from Texas and former U.S. presidential candidate, ... - #federalreserve #u.s.government #centralbank #legaltender #moneysupply #economics #inflation #ronpaul #silver #taxes #gold
#gold #taxes #silver #ronpaul #inflation #economics #moneysupply #legaltender #centralbank #u #federalreserve
One of my favorite follows is @RonPaulQuotes
None of the quotes are actually his, all are interesting, and the juxtaposition of those two facts with the sureity that many people actually believe him to be some sort of wise guru is, well, delicious.
Ron Paul on the Future of the US Dollar: ‘The World Is Clearly De-Dollarizing’ - Ron Paul, the former U.S. presidential candidate and former U.S. congressman, has ... - #de-dollarization #u.s.dollar #economics #ronpaul #russia #brics #china #gold
#gold #china #brics #russia #ronpaul #economics #u #de
#TimcastIRL - Russian Arms Dealer WARNS Biden Admin Will Try To END Trump's Life w/ #RonPaul"
Ron Paul is going swimming with the pool man! I hope Ian isn't on tonights show.
Ron Paul on the Fall of the US Dollar as Reserve Currency: ‘It’s Always Longer Than Some Predictions’ - Ron Paul, a former U.S. representative and member of the Libertarian Party, has ad... - #federalreserve #brettonwoods #chinabrazil #u.s.dollar #economics #inflation #ronpaul
#ronpaul #inflation #economics #u #chinabrazil #brettonwoods #federalreserve
“ “North-Paul Strategy” advanced by Ron “End the Fed” Paul and his strategist Gary North. The plan predicts massive inflation that will accelerate the collapse of the Federal Reserve and the dollar, thus enabling the libertarian-right to seize control of and “fix” the monetary system.” #ronpaul #garynorth #larouche #aynrand #libertarians
#ronpaul #garynorth #larouche #aynrand #libertarians
--The Inflation and Tax Assault on the American People
#RonPaul #ENDtheFED. #ENDtheIRS.
#ronpaul #endthefed #endtheirs
A good replay of the Rage Against the War Machine protest in Washington #DC today, Feb 19th.
This 1 was mic'd well & has a steady camera.
& many more
#dc #ronpaul #jimmydore #tusligabbard #denniskucinich #scotthorton #annwright #cynthuamckinney #chrishedges #geraldcelente #rogerwaters #davidswanson #DanielMcAdams #GarlandNixon #maxblumenthal #KimIversen #jacksonhinkle #rageagainstwarmachine #rageagaintthewarmachine
Dr. Ron Paul meets New York City freedom fighters! So proud of my friends for representing our city at the Rage Against the War Machine rally in Washington, D.C. Wish I could've been there with you today! 👏🏾🗽🇺🇸
#RonPaul #WashingtonDC #NYC #NewYorkCity #RageAgainsttheWarMachine #rally #protest #antiwar #war #endwar #endthewar #endthewars #politics #freedom #liberty #libertarian #NewYorkFreedomRally #nomandates #endthemandates #nomoremandates #economy#taxation #taxationistheft #EndtheFed
#ronpaul #washingtondc #nyc #newyorkcity #rageagainstthewarmachine #rally #protest #antiwar #war #endwar #endthewar #EndTheWars #politics #freedom #liberty #libertarian #newyorkfreedomrally #nomandates #EndTheMandates #NoMoreMandates #economy #taxationistheft #endthefed
Jesse #Benton charged a RU nat’l 100K to meet w Trump. Of that $, Benton funneled $25K to Trump’s campaign & gave $75K to his firm.
Benton had been convicted of “campaign finance crimes” for illegally bribing an IA state sen to support the ‘12 presidential bid of #RonPaul (Trump pardoned him). He also worked for #MitchMcConnell & #RandPaul.
#randpaul #mitchmcconnell #ronpaul #benton
CNN: A #GOP operative to get 18 months for embezzling money from #Russia... #SMH...And giving it to #Trump in 2016....
#WorldNews #News #USA #PoliticalNews #Politics #Crime #Embezzlement #DonaldTrump #JessieBenton #RonPaul #Elections
#elections #ronpaul #jessiebenton #donaldtrump #embezzlement #crime #politics #Politicalnews #usa #news #worldnews #trump #smh #russia #gop
"A #federal jury today convicted a #political consultant for his role in funneling #illegal foreign campaign contributions from a #Russian foreign national to a 2016 #presidential campaign. "
I'll give you zero guesses as to which campaign said illegal funds were siphoned into: #Trump
#federal #political #illegal #russian #presidential #trump #randpaul #ronpaul #jessebenton #potrumpkin