In #Singapore, very loud #roosters, strategically dispersed across the island and stationed on trees outside apartment windows, are tasked with a single mission — To ensure that locals get up bright and early every morning so they can lead #productive lives.
#singapore #roosters #productive #chickentaskforce #birds #tootsea #chickens
As a Knights fan, I am very conflicted by my thoughts about tonight's game #nrl #roosters #rabbitohs
My best roo Beyoncé saved the flock again!
I had to go out and do Adulting today, but I managed to get home by late afternoon. I was out in the garden with the flock, leisurely checking for cucumbers, when Bey let out his little warning cackle. I registered the sound, but I didn’t look up until he cackled again. Ninja was outside the garden fence, in the meadow! That’s the Nugget Zone!
#chickens #roosters #coyote
Back atcha'!
#Chickens & #roosters painted on salvaged sash windows. Artist: Mary DeWitt. Mary's work and paintings of women incarcerated in Pennsylvania, sentenced to life without parole, is incredible.
#chicken #chickenlovers #birds #rooster #birdlovers #art #artwork #arte #painting #artmatters #buyintoart #AYearofArt #sassy #fun #silly #mastoart #mastodon #mastochicken #makesyousmile #smile #joy #funart #creativetoots #Wednesday
#chickens #roosters #chicken #chickenlovers #birds #rooster #birdlovers #art #artwork #arte #painting #artmatters #BuyIntoArt #ayearofart #sassy #fun #silly #mastoart #mastodon #mastochicken #makesyousmile #smile #joy #funart #CreativeToots #wednesday
Not only am I a sucker for friends’ old hens, I’m also a sucker for a free roo. We, he was $10 - around here, people charge a small rehoming fee for roosters they’re hoping will remain pets and not get stewed. But he’s got a fierce topknot and a pheasant tail, and he’s very friendly and tame. He’s just started crowing. We named him Presley, for the pompadour, and set up a small crate for him to sleep in until he finds his place in the flock.
And today “he” laid an egg when he was in the crate for a few hours. We’ve got an intersex chicken! A henster, if you will. Or even - a cocken!
#chickens #roosters #cocken #henster
#chickens #roosters #cocken #henster
A friend is downsizing her flock so I’m upsizing mine. Went to the feed store and stopped at her place to pick up new hens! Two Rhode Island Reds, a black copper Maran, and what looks like a crested x barred rock. They’re all older hens. They were coop birds, well cared for, so I’ve got to finesse them into free range life.
Beyoncé is being a gentleman. I’m very happy with him, as always - he’s really a great rooster. The girls are delighted to have such deep, wormy soil to scratch in. The other three of the home flock have investigated through the gaps, but they’re *not* in there harassing the new hens. (Ninja, flock Queen, is definitely going to peck them on their heads as soon as they come out, though.)
The equines were so relieved I went to the feed store. I’d run out of sunflower seeds - it’s my secret lower-carb treat I mix into their boring pellets. But now they’re happy too. Peace in our time!
#chickens #roosters
Little dinosaurs in the yard: I like them when they're not making noise.
#chickens #roosters #junglefowl #hawaii #dinosaurs
Guarding Chickens
##farm #bantam #bantams #birds #Blueheeler #cemani #chicken #chickens #dog #Inu #minifarm #Redheeler #rooster #roosters #sebreights #オーストラリアン・キャトル・ドッグ
#オーストラリアン・キャトル・ドッグ #sebreights #roosters #rooster #redheeler #minifarm #inu #dog #chickens #chicken #cemani #blueheeler #birds #bantams #bantam #farm
Seeking to help #rehome these 2 young & healthy #roosters because I don't want them to be euthanized if it's avoidable. The owners can't keep roos where they live. If you're in #VictoriaBC #Saanich #Metchosin #Sooke or anywhere on South #VancouverIsland / #vanisle & can adopt one or both - please let me know asap & boost if you're in these areas to help find new homes for these wonderful #chickens
#reHome #roosters #victoriabc #saanich #metchosin #sooke #vancouverisland #vanisle #chickens #pleasehelpthesechickens
#ENGVsTON #Series Confirmed! Murphy To #Roosters DONE! CAS Jungle Update!
#TimeIsNow #GROWTheGame #GrowRugbyLeague #RugbyLeague #RLFamily #SuperLeague #NRL #NARL #RFL #IRL #FFR #USARL #PDRL #RLIF #RLWC2021 #RespectTheREF
#respecttheref #RLWC2021 #rlif #pdrl #usarl #ffr #irl #RFL #narl #nrl #SuperLeague #rlfamily #rugbyleague #growrugbyleague #growthegame #timeisnow #roosters #series #engvston
Well, that's one way to get your blood pumping!
📷 @elarroyo_atx
#packfreshusa #foodstorage #whimsicalwednesday #madeyoulaugh #happyhumpday #roosters #primalscream #preservation #preservewithus #stayfresh
#packfreshusa #foodstorage #whimsicalwednesday #madeyoulaugh #happyhumpday #roosters #primalscream #preservation #preservewithus #stayfresh
"Vase with cover" ca. 1730–35
Artist: Meissen Manufactory
Dept: European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
Classification: Ceramics-Porcelain
Credit: Rogers Fund, 1911
Medium: Hard-paste porcelain
#museumbot #metmuseum #birds #roosters #butterflies #flowers
#museumbot #metmuseum #birds #roosters #butterflies #flowers
Petit cendré 🐓
#coq #chicken #chickens #chicks #rooster #roosters #gallosdecombate #animal #bassecour #aseel #beauty #photo #photos #photography #bird #birds #birdlover #birdlovers #birdphotography #photooftheday
#coq #chicken #chickens #chicks #rooster #roosters #gallosdecombate #animal #bassecour #aseel #beauty #photo #PHOTOS #photography #bird #birds #birdlover #birdlovers #birdphotography #photooftheday
#Love #EDM #electronicMusic #Art #Spiritual #message #Activism #Qi #world #asia #africa #america #india #china #japan #tokyo #russia #galaxy #earth #planet #universe #et? :D #monkys #snakes #pigs #cats #deep #touch #dogs #birds #fish #tiger #wolf #horses #roosters #bear #YinYang #Tao #Dao #Flow #Path #peru #brazil #argentina #mexico #usa #uk #germany #france #angola #God #freedom #anarchism #daoism #taoism #illusion #myth #memories #sun fu
#love #edm #electronicmusic #art #spiritual #message #activism #qi #world #asia #africa #america #india #china #japan #tokyo #russia #galaxy #earth #planet #universe #et #monkys #snakes #pigs #cats #deep #touch #dogs #birds #fish #tiger #wolf #horses #roosters #bear #yinyang #tao #dao #flow #path #peru #brazil #argentina #mexico #usa #uk #germany #france #angola #god #freedom #anarchism #daoism #taoism #illusion #myth #memories #sun
I have a #chicken story for y’all.
Our chickens sleep behind the house in a coop in the meadow, where the coyote also lives. In the mornings I open the coop and escort everyone to the garden. They wander through there, around the house, up to the driveway area where they can eat breakfast on the front porch and go into the barn or (nonfunctional, dilapidated) greenhouse to lay an egg. There’s another gate into the coyote’s meadow beside the greenhouse, but that’s closed during the day (or they get eaten!) After the first round of snacks and eggs, they *usually* hang out in the driveway or garden, but lately the hens have really wanted to head down the driveway and go get eaten by the neighbor’s dogs in their fenced yard.
Beyoncé the bantam rooster knows they’re in danger over there. He remembers hawks that have tried to eat his hens and he remembers the dogs that almost got them the first time they invaded. His hens? His son? They go wandering off into danger all the time! But he’s got a good head on him, and he’s figured out my role with the flock. He tattles to me whenever they escape, and my kid or I go round them up and herd/lure them home. (Yes, we homeschool.)
Today I was wiring up a garden frame when I heard Bey crowing from up in the driveway area. I went up and found him by the garden gate and the rest of the flock snacking at the end of the driveway, headed down the road. Here’s the neat part: when he saw me, he stopped crowing and started pecking the completely bare concrete pavers, making the tuk-tuk-tuk “come see my delicious treat!” rooster noise. I was like, good idea! I got some treats from the barn and sprinkled them where he was waiting, then walked out to scold the rest of the flock back. As soon as they got close enough, he started showing off the delicious treats, and they darted over to eat with him.
#roosters are the best! Especially bantams.
NEW #Roosters Deal Coming For Tupou?
Hall Signs To Stay With #Robins!
#Panthers Yeo 'One Club Man' Aim!
#TimeIsNow #GROWTheGame #GrowRugbyLeague #RugbyLeague #RLFamily #SuperLeague #NRL #NARL #RFL #IRL #FFR #USARL #PDRL #RLIF #RLWC2021 #RespectTheREF
#respecttheref #RLWC2021 #rlif #pdrl #usarl #ffr #irl #RFL #narl #nrl #SuperLeague #rlfamily #rugbyleague #growrugbyleague #growthegame #timeisnow #panthers #robins #roosters
Golden Phoenix rooster, watercolor.
Art -
#mastodon #AYearForArt #Art #artist #MastoArt #watercolor #wallart #FediArt #homedecor #painting #springintoart #artwork #animalart #birds #birdart #chickens
#buyintoart #farmanimals #fowl #barnyardanimal #poultry #hens #roosters #birdlovers #roosterart #watercolorbird #WatercolorRooster #GoldenPhoenixRooster
#mastodon #ayearforart #art #artist #mastoart #watercolor #wallart #fediart #homedecor #painting #springintoart #artwork #animalart #birds #birdart #chickens #BuyIntoArt #farmanimals #fowl #barnyardanimal #poultry #hens #roosters #birdlovers #roosterart #watercolorbird #watercolorrooster #goldenphoenixrooster
Someone in my #neighborhood FB group complained about #roosters and the #antigovernment/pro-gun Libertarians are spouting off subsections of the county livestock #ordinance code about how roosters aren't allowed. I think we need some neighborhood signs that say "Keep your #government regulations off my cock"
#antigovernment #government #ordinance #roosters #neighborhood
Top of the morning to you all! Fancy Rooster says hi :)
Art is here -
#mastodon #AYearForArt #Art #artist #MastoArt #watercolor #wallart #FediArt #homedecor #painting #arte #ArtMatters #artwork #animalart #birds #birdart #chickens #farmanimals #fowl #barnyardanimal #poultry #hens #roosters #birdlovers #roosterart #watercolorbird #WatercolorRooster
#mastodon #ayearforart #art #artist #mastoart #watercolor #wallart #fediart #homedecor #painting #arte #artmatters #artwork #animalart #birds #birdart #chickens #farmanimals #fowl #barnyardanimal #poultry #hens #roosters #birdlovers #roosterart #watercolorbird #watercolorrooster