@nikostr Again, good points, that I agree with. I realize many genes, described as such, are in fact complex or polygenic (which is why I used air-quotes), but still tested for. One of the reasons I started asking this question is that I grew tired of hearing #ThoughtsAndPrayers , #EnoughIsEnough and #NeverAgain , but nothing being done to address #RootCauses. One more question, if you'll endure it, suppose there was a #DeplorableGene risk factor; add it #BackgroundChecks for #AssaultWeapons ?
#thoughtsandprayers #EnoughIsEnough #neveragain #rootcauses #deplorablegene #backgroundchecks #assaultweapons
@Sheril ⬆️
Ultimately, ALL man-made catastrophes, bar none, are #PublicEducation failures.
"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." - Dom Helder Camara
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/trudeau-governments-national-reconciliation-complete-pritchard-ma/ TRUDEAU GOVERNMENT'S NATIONAL "RECONCILIATION" PLAN TO COMPLETE CANADA'S [CRAP] COLONISATION PROJECT: Using Chretien’s “Inherent Right Policy” and Legacy Legislation #ColonialLaw #InvadersLaw #LawOfThieves #StolenLands #ColonialSettlerStateKanada #CruelCallousTrudeauTrapsOfColonialLaw REPRESENTING #ImmoralLeadership #Corruption #RootCauses
#rootcauses #Corruption #immoralleadership #cruelcalloustrudeautrapsofcoloniallaw #colonialsettlerstatekanada #StolenLands #lawofthieves #invaderslaw #coloniallaw
h/t @Arrianna_Planey@twitter.com cc @paulalantz@twitter.com @sarahgollust@twitter.com
#PHEthx #PublicHealthEthics #PHLaw #PublicHealthLaw #PublicHealthPolicy #PrioritySetting #FundamentalCauseTheory #PolicyStudies #HealthPolicy #SocEpi #LegalEpi #RootCauses #SDoH #LawIsASDoH
#phethx #publichealthethics #PHLaw #PublicHealthLaw #PublicHealthPolicy #prioritysetting #fundamentalcausetheory #policystudies #healthpolicy #socepi #LegalEpi #rootcauses #sdoh #lawisasdoh
h/t @Arrianna_Planey@twitter.com cc @paulalantz@twitter.com @sarahgollust@twitter.com
#PHEthx #PublicHealthEthics #PHLaw #PublicHealthLaw #PublicHealthPolicy #PrioritySetting #FundamentalCauseTheory #PolicyStudies #HealthPolicy #SocEpi #LegalEpi #RootCauses #SDoH #LawIsASDoH
#phethx #publichealthethics #PHLaw #PublicHealthLaw #PublicHealthPolicy #prioritysetting #fundamentalcausetheory #policystudies #healthpolicy #socepi #LegalEpi #rootcauses #sdoh #lawisasdoh
While this method served me for decades as a big org mess problem solver, in any real wrangling the easy steps have likely already been tried. Instead identify that step in the context of root causes & determinants of the system's health. That launches you into the real problem. More times than not for me, the real problem was far easier to work through because others hadn't already tried mucking with it. #ComplexityWranglers #ProblemSolving #RootCauses
#complexitywranglers #problemsolving #rootcauses